I need to link a library you can download from producer's site (http://www.dahuasecurity.com/download_3.html) to my c++ project. The library is named General_NetSDK_Eng_Windows64_IS_V3.40.2.R.130321.7z. I tried to:
Linker->Input : added to addidiontal dependencies lines:
dhconfigsdk.libLinked->General : added to additional library directories a "D:\dahua\" directory which includes files dhnetsdk.lib, dhnetsdk.dll, dhnetsdk.h and dhconfigsdk.lib, dhconfigsdk.dll
C/C++->General : added to additional include directories a "D:\dahua\" directory
I included files by directive #include : dhnetsdk.h and dhconfigsdk.h. I also copied all library files (.lib, .dll, .h) to my application source code direcotry and debug directory.
Unfortunately I still get errors LNK2019 and LNK1120. What am I doing wrong?