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344 Posted Topics
Re: Straight after line 49, flush the input stream. | |
Re: Refer to [this](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb787875%28v=vs.85%29.aspx) MSDN article. | |
Re: I'll comment the code, I gather that the RegCreateKeyEx call succeeds. lReg = RegSetValueEx( hKeyp, L"ProxyEnable", NULL, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)&value, // where is the value? sizeof(value) // for a REG_SZ this should be the string length in bytes including the terminating null ); | |
Re: Your FieldNames each have a terminating null, so as the error indicates, one of the names is too long. | |
Re: on line 21, remove **main.** that comes after the semicolon. | |
Re: Try passing a reference in your comparison function: bool CompareWorkshops(const Workshops &W1, const Workshops &W2) If that doesn't work, I'd need to see more of the code. You should also try stepping through the code in the debugger. | |
Re: At line 60 you declare float temp = 0; Move the declaration to the top of main. | |
Re: Check your spelling. You have **crt** and **ctr** | |
Re: In line 21, you are printing the string 'y' as an integer (%d). Change it to %s as follows printf("My first name is %s \n my last name is %s \n and I am %d years old\n", x, y, z); | |
Re: `printf("Please fill in the boilerplate code provided and one of our human code bots may decide to assist you\n");` | |
Re: https://www.programiz.com/python-programming/operators#comparison | |
Re: My preferred timer method is described [here](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/sync/using-timer-queues). What time span are you looking at to check for open windows? | |
Re: std::to_string((uintptr_t)healthDecAddress) | |
Re: Try void replacevalue(char **pinput1) { char string[ ] = "here is the replacement string"; strcpy(*pinput1, string); } | |
Re:  Windows 7x64 with Internet Explorer 11 - dead hamburger and overlap. | |
Re: Something like the following would be a start. int main(void) { int key = 3; int c; while ((c = getchar()) != '\n') { if (isalpha(c)) { c = tolower(c) + key; if (c > 'z') c -= 26; // c = c - 26 } putchar(c); } putchar('\n'); return … | |
Re: No one here is going to write the code for the assignment that you copy/pasted. Please provide the code that you have written and explain where you are having a problem; that way we'll be able to assist you. | |
Re: Attached gif image via Firefox | |
| |
Re: In MS Visual Studio you could use: `map_buffer |= 0xffULL << 32; ` | |
Re: Check your spelling on line 4, it should be `WM_NOTIFY` | |
Re: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html | |
Re: What does the call to `SetDllDirectory` return? | |
Re: > I get value answer 21 which looked like not the smallest integer If you used 10000 instead of 1000 you would get 21. | |
Re: Using modular arithmetic as already suggested by ken, work out what expressions need to be evaluated in order to produce an output of `arr[0][0] arr[0][2] arr[1][1] arr[2][0] arr[2][2]` | |
Re: I see 511 lines of code that couldn't possibly compile. You have `prinf `not `printf` | |
Re: Have a look at Inno Setup http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php | |
Re: Have you looked for your music in the windows.old folder? |
The End.