When I try to compile my code in visual basic 2010 it gives me the error 1903 and when I compile the code in Code::Blocks it opens the standard template library's algorithm.h file and takes me to line 2163 if (*__i < *__first) I don't want to modify anything here, but I can't figure out what its wanting me to do.
How can I fix this problem?
Here is my code for reference:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
//Template that puts things where they go.
template <class T>
void produceReport(string report, T acctType, int tableRows)
cout << report << endl;
cout << acctType << endl;
cout << tableRows;
//Template that adds in an amount of dashes to indicate end of report.
template <class T>
void reportValue(T value, int amount)
for(int x = 0; x < amount; x++)
cout << "-";
cout << "End of report." << endl;
//Class that takes care of the exception handling.
class BankAccountException : public runtime_error
int bankAccountNum;
int getAccountNum();
virtual const char* what();
//sets the the bank account number to number for the runtime error
BankAccountException::BankAccountException(int number) : runtime_error("")
bankAccountNum = number;
//returns the bank account number
int BankAccountException::getAccountNum()
return bankAccountNum;
//message to throw to the user when something whent wrong.
const char* BankAccountException::what()
return "wasn't entered correctly try again.";
//A class for a number of bank accounts.
class BankAccount
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const BankAccount&);
friend istream& operator>>(istream&, BankAccount&)throw(BankAccountException);
int accountNum;
double accountBal;
BankAccount(int = 0,double = 0.0);
void enterAccountData();
void displayAccounts();
void setAccts(int,double);
int getAcctNum();
double getAcctBal();
//Sets each attribute of the bank account.
BankAccount::BankAccount(int acctNum, double acctBal)
accountNum = acctNum;
accountBal = acctBal;
//Displays accounts that the user entered into the program
ostream& operator << (ostream& bankInfo, const BankAccount& Accounts)
cout << endl;
bankInfo << "Account #" << Accounts.accountNum << endl;
bankInfo << "Account Balance:$" << Accounts.accountBal << endl;
cout << endl;
return bankInfo;
//Takes in information from the user about each bank account
istream& operator >> (istream& bankData, BankAccount& Accounts)
const int HIGHEST = 9999;
const int LOWEST = 1000;
cout << "Enter Account # ";
bankData >> Accounts.accountNum;
while(Accounts.accountNum < LOWEST || Accounts.accountNum > HIGHEST)
BankAccountException message(Accounts.accountNum);
cout << "Enter Account Balance: $";
bankData >> Accounts.accountBal;
cout << endl;
return bankData;
//Function that takes in parameters for a bank account when called.
void BankAccount::enterAccountData()
const int HIGHEST = 9999;
const int LOWEST = 1000;
cout << "Enter account number between 1000 and 9999: #";
cin >> accountNum;
while(accountNum < LOWEST || accountNum > HIGHEST)
cout << "You didn't enter a valid account number. Please try again." << endl
<< "#";
cin >> accountNum;
cout << endl << "Enter the account balance:$";
cin >> accountBal;
//Displays bank accounts that have been given information from a constructor and/or user.
void BankAccount::displayAccounts()
cout << endl << "Account # " << accountNum << endl;
cout << "Account balance:$" << accountBal << endl;
cout << endl;
//Sets account number and balance.
void BankAccount::setAccts(int acctNum, double acctBal)
accountNum = acctNum;
accountBal = acctBal;
//Gets the account number.
int BankAccount::getAcctNum()
return accountNum;
//Gets the account balance.
double BankAccount::getAcctBal()
return accountBal;
//Savings Account that will be used for processing savings information.
class SavingsAccount : public virtual BankAccount
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream&, const SavingsAccount&);
friend istream& operator>>(ostream&, const SavingsAccount&);
double interestRate;
SavingsAccount(double = 0.0);
void displaySavAccount();
void getSavInfo();
//Constructor for Savings account
SavingsAccount::SavingsAccount(double rate)
interestRate = rate;
//Gets the savings accounts information when needed.
void SavingsAccount::getSavInfo()
cout << "Enter your interest rate below." << endl;
cin >> interestRate;
//Displays the information gathered from the user.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& bankInfo, SavingsAccount& aSAccount)
return bankInfo;
//Requests data from the user.
istream& operator>>(istream& bankInfo, SavingsAccount& aSAccount)
return bankInfo;
//Function that displays the information for a savings account.
void SavingsAccount::displaySavAccount()
cout << "-----Savings Information-----" << endl;
cout << "Interest rate is currently: " << interestRate;
cout << " for this account" << endl;
//Class made to check and show checking account information.
class CheckingAccount : public virtual BankAccount
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& bankInfo, const CheckingAccount& aCheckAcct);
friend istream& operator>>(istream& bankInfo, const CheckingAccount& aCheckAcct);
double monthlyFee;
int checksAllowed;
CheckingAccount(double = 0,int = 0,int = 0,double = 0);
void displayCAccount();
void getCheckInfo();
//Constructor that References the Bank account class to share information.
CheckingAccount::CheckingAccount(double fee, int allowed, int num, double bal)
: BankAccount(num,bal), monthlyFee(fee), checksAllowed(allowed)
//Requested information from the user for checking accounts.
void CheckingAccount::getCheckInfo()
cout << "Enter monthly fee of this checking account. $";
cin >> monthlyFee;
cout << endl << "How many checks are you allowed?" << endl;
cin >> checksAllowed;
/*Displays the information used from the
function that displays checking account information*/
ostream& operator<<(ostream& bankInfo, CheckingAccount& aCAcct)
return bankInfo;
/*Requests information used within the
function that gets information from the user about
a checking account*/
istream& operator>>(istream& bankInfo, CheckingAccount& aCAcct)
return bankInfo;
/*Function that displays information to the user about
the checking account*/
void CheckingAccount::displayCAccount()
cout << "-----Checking Information-----" << endl;
cout << "Monthly fee on the account is:$" << monthlyFee << endl;
cout << "Checks allowed for this account is: " << checksAllowed << endl;
cout << "|---------------------------------------------|";
//A Class for a checking account with a set interest.
class CheckingWithInterest
: public SavingsAccount, public CheckingAccount
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& bank_Info_Out, const CheckingWithInterest& wIAcct);
friend istream& operator>>(istream& bank_Info_In, const CheckingWithInterest& wIAcct);
void displayWithInterest();
//Default constructor for the special accounts
: CheckingAccount(0,0,9999,0), SavingsAccount(0.02)
// Displays the accounts information
void CheckingWithInterest::displayWithInterest()
//Displays interest rates on the accounts.
ostream& operator<<(ostream& bank_Info_Out, CheckingWithInterest& wIAcct)
return bank_Info_Out;
//Operator that takes in accounts with an interest in the checking account.
istream& operator>>(istream& bank_Info_In, CheckingWithInterest& wIAcct)
return bank_Info_In;
/*Main function that makes and displays any number of accounts
it is currently set to a Maximum of 2 accounts for ease of logic
error checking. Change the number to make more bank accounts*/
int main()
unsigned count;
//Declares the objects and references the classes used above.
BankAccount aBankAcct;
SavingsAccount aSavAcct;
CheckingAccount aChAcct;
CheckingWithInterest aWtIntAcct; */
//Declare Variables to be used
const int MAX_ACCTS = 4;
int x = 0;
const char QUIT = 'n';
char quitChar = 'y';
//Ask the user if they would like to enter in information.
cout << "Would you like to enter in Bank Account information? y or n ";
cin >> quitChar;
/*Loops through an amount of bank accounts and allows
the user to quit if they want to.*/
while(quitChar != QUIT && x < MAX_ACCTS)
cout << endl << "Would you like to enter in more Bank Accounts? y or n ";
cout << endl << "The maximum number of Bank Accounts is " << MAX_ACCTS;
cout << endl;
cin >> quitChar;
catch(BankAccountException message)
cout << "The #" << message.getAccountNum() << " isn't valid. " << endl;
//Sorts the Bank Accounts.
sort(bankAccount.begin(), bankAccount.end());
for(count = 0; count < bankAccount.size(); ++count)
cout << (bankAccount.at(count), count);
cout << endl;
produceReport("Bank Account information",bankAccount.at(count), bankAccount.size());
x = 0; /*resets the variable x to zero, so
the other functions work properly as programmed*/
cout << "Would you like to enter in Savings Information? y or n";
cin >> quitChar;
/*Loops through an amount of savings accounts and allows
the user to quit if they want to.
while(quitChar != QUIT && x < MAX_ACCTS)
cout << endl << "Would you like to enter in more Savings Accounts? y or n";
cout << endl << "The maximum number of Savings Accounts is " << MAX_ACCTS;
cout << endl;
cin >> quitChar;
//Sorts the Savings Accounts.
sort(savAccount.begin(), savAccount.end());
for(count = 0; count < savAccount.size(); ++count)
cout << (savAccount.at(count), count);
cout << endl;
produceReport("Savings Account information",savAccount.at(count), savAccount.size());
x = 0;/*resets the variable x to zero, so
the other functions work properly as programmed OLD COMMENT HERE
cout << endl << "Would you like to enter in Checking Account information? y or n";
cin >> quitChar;
/*Loops through an amount of checking accounts and allows
the user to quit if they want to. OLD COMMENT HERE
while(quitChar != QUIT && x < MAX_ACCTS)
cout << endl << "Would you like to enter in more Checking Accounts? y or n";
cout << endl << "The maximum number of Checking Accounts is " << MAX_ACCTS;
cout << endl;
cin >> quitChar;
//Sorts the Checking Accounts.
sort(chAccount.begin(), chAccount.end());
for(count = 0; count < chAccount.size(); ++count)
cout << (chAccount.at(count), count);
cout << endl;
produceReport("Checking Account information",chAccount.at(count), chAccount.size());
x = 0;/*resets the variable x to zero, so
the other functions work properly as programmed OLD COMMENT HERE
cout << endl << "Would you like to enter in Checking with interest Account information? y or n";
cin >> quitChar;
/*Loops through an amount of checking with interest
accounts and allows the user to quit if they want to. OLD COMMENT HERE
while(quitChar != QUIT && x < MAX_ACCTS)
cout << endl << "Would you like to enter in more Checking with Interest Accounts? y or n";
cout << endl << "The maximum number of Checking Accounts is " << MAX_ACCTS;
cout << endl;
cin >> quitChar;
//Sorts the Checking with Interest Accounts.
sort(withInAccount.begin(), withInAccount.end());
for(count = 0; count < withInAccount.size(); ++count)
cout << (withInAccount.at(count), count);
cout << endl;
produceReport("Checking with interest Account information",withInAccount.at(count), withInAccount.size());
} */
return 0;