hello there,
im doing a program of consolidate database. however, my scope is to do it automatically. so far, i have designed a timer and also codes to insert the data from excel file into MySQL database. then, my idea is whenever there is an error occured in a particular rows of data, the program will capture the rows that have error and put/paste it in one temporary excel files..then continue inserting other rows. does anyone have any idea how to do this. if possible can i have the source code of this. thanx in advance!!
this is part of my program to insert data into the database;
Row = 2
Col = 1
Do While oexcel.Cells(Row, Col) <> ""
rsCVM!USER_NAME = CStr(oexcel.Cells(Row, 1))
rsCVM!DAY = CStr(oexcel.Cells(Row, 2))
rsCVM!USER_ID = CStr(oexcel.Cells(Row, 3))
rsCVM!ADDRESS = CStr(oexcel.Cells(Row, 4))
rsCVM!CONTACT_NO = CStr(oexcel.Cells(Row, 5))
rsCVM!POINT = CSng(oexcel.Cells(Row, 6))
StatBar.Panels(1).Text = "Inserted " & Row - 1 & " data of " & numData & " into database"
Row = Row + 1