Hi everyone, I'm new to programming (and daniweb) and I'm having a small problem with a Caeser Cipher program I'm writing.

   messageE = input('\nPlease enter string to encrypt: ')
   offsetE = int(input('Please enter offset value (1 to 94): '))
   encryptedE = ''

   if offsetE < 1 or offsetE > 94:
       print('Incorrect input. Please enter a value between 1 and 94.')

       messageE = input('\nPlease enter string to encrypt: ')
       offsetE = int(input('Please enter offset value (1 to 94): '))

   for char in messageE:
       encryptedE = encryptedE + chr(ord(char) + offsetE)
       print('Encrypted string:\n', encryptedE)

Gives the output:

Please enter string to encrypt: hello
Please enter offset value (1 to 94): 1
Encrypted string:
Encrypted string:
Encrypted string:
Encrypted string:
Encrypted string:

I only want the final line "ifmmp" to show. How would I go about this? Thanks so much to anyone who can help.

Unindent line 13 to take the print() call out of the for loop.

...and you do have to deal with wrap around from z to a,b,c..

Python's double-ended queue called deque in module collections has a method rotate() that is ideal for that sort of thing.

A special case is the rotational shift by 13 positions (half the alphabet) ...

''' str_rot13.py
rotate the letters in a string by 13 positions (half the alphabet)
tested with Python2.7.6 and Python3.2.5

def str_rot13(text):
    cipher rotate text by 13 letters (half the alphabet)
    # ascii code of start and end letters
    a = ord('a')
    z = ord('z')
    A = ord('A')
    Z = ord('Z')
    cipher = ""
    for c in text:
        ascii = ord(c)
        # lower case
        if a <= ascii <= z:
            cipher += chr(a + (ascii - a + 13) % 26)
        # upper case
        elif A <= ord(c) <= Z:
            cipher += chr(A + (ascii - A + 13) % 26)
        # not a letter
            cipher += c
    return cipher

# test ...
text = "password!"

encoded = str_rot13(text)

decoded = str_rot13(encoded)

''' result ...
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