I'm trying to create a program that passes arguments of size of three shapes, a circle, a triangle, and a rectangle. I got those but everytime I run the code it displays the arguments as 0 instead of giving me the shape dimension. Here is the code.

using System;
class TestShapeHierarchy 
   static void Main(string[] args)
      TwoDimShape[] myShapes = new TwoDimShape[3];
      myShapes[0] = new Rectangle(10, 5);
      myShapes[1] = new Triangle(12, 6);
      myShapes[2] = new Circle(8);

      foreach (TwoDimShape tds in myShapes)



   // you need to write a static method processShape
   static void ProcessShape(TwoDimShape shape)

using System;

public class Circle : TwoDimShape
   private double radius;

   public Circle (double rad)
      Radius = rad;

   public double Radius
         return radius;
         value = radius;

   public override double Area()
      return Radius * Radius * Math.PI;

   public override string ToString()
      return string.Format("It is a circle.\nradius = {0} area = {1}", Radius, Area());

using System;

public class Triangle : TwoDimShape
   private double bas;
   private double height;

   public Triangle(double length, double width)
      Base = width;
      Height = length;

   public double Base
         return bas;
         value = bas;

   public double Height
         return height;
         value = height;

   public override double Area()
      return .5 * Base * Height;

   public override string ToString()
      return string.Format("It is a triangle.\nbase={0} height={1} area={2}", Base, Height, Area());

using System;

public class Rectangle : TwoDimShape
   private double length;
   private double width;

   public Rectangle(double len, double wid)
      Length = len;
      Width = wid;

   public double Width
         return width;
         value = width;

   public double Length
         return length;
         value = length;

   public override double Area()
      return Length * Width;

   public override string ToString()
      return string.Format("It is a rectangle.\nlength={0} width={1} area={2}", 
         Length, Width, Area());


using System;

public abstract class TwoDimShape

   public abstract double Area();

This thread is already been marked as solved without adding justification.

In opening post, there are issues with properties definition especially to set accessor where value parameter replaces the field.

public double Length
  return length;
   // value = length; <-- 
   length = value; 

I think one should have to use auto-implemented property to avoid such issues.

public class Circle : TwoDimShape
   public double Radius {get;set;}
   public Circle (double rad)
      Radius = rad;
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