Hello, I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, I couldn't find a support section.
Anyway, I'm new to VB.NET and honestly, I'm lost. I need to extract text from a HTML page, here's the line I want to extract from<p><a href="/video7419001/0/CoD4">CoD4</a></p>
What I want to extract from it is this<p><a href="/video(This here)/0/(This here)">CoD4</a></p>
All I want to do is put it into two listboxes, could I do this without using Regex? I've had a look at Regex and it's mind blowing with these "wild cards" I honestly don't know where to start lol.
Thanks for the advice :)
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ddanbe 2,724 Professional Procrastinator Featured Poster
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Hiroshe 499 Posting Whiz in Training
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