silent lover 0 Light Poster

dear all daniweb users,
i start using xamarin to create ios software.
in mainstoryboard, i navigate passcodevc view controller to songlistvc view controller.
i use scandit barcode scanner script in passcodevc.cs .
after barcode scanner script, i want navigate from passcodevc view controller to songlistvc view controller. i use this code and did not auto navigate :

var storyBoard = UIStoryboard.FromName ("MainStoryboard", null);
storyBoard.InstantiateViewController ("SongListVC");

tried this one too but also not auto navigate :

PasscodeVCViewController *viewController = segue.SongListVCViewController;
viewController.delegate = self;

tried this one too but also not auto navigate :

UIViewController songlist = new SongListVC ();
songlist.Transition (PasscodeVC, SongListVC);

tried this one too but also not auto navigate :

public override void ViewDidLoad()
            Theme.RoundGradientButton(3, passcode_button_test, new[] { "123456", "ffffff", "911911" });
            UIViewController songlist;
            passcode_button_test.TouchUpInside += (sender, args) =>
                    picker = new SIBarcodePicker(appKey);
                    picker.OverlayController.Delegate = new overlayControllerDelegate(picker, this);

                    PresentViewController(picker, true, null);

                    songlist.NavigationController.PushViewController(new SongListVC(), true);

that codes tried but did not work.
i know it, it easier use button to create push seque to songlistvc view controller, but i did not want it.
what i want is auto redirect after scandit barcode scanner code(in passcodevc.cs and passcodevc view controller) to songlistvs view controller.
how to did that without push button?
please help me.


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