hello quys, gota a problem here. i have two datareaders.reade1 reads data from one table and read2 from another.i want to loop through reader1 and reader2 so that records that do not exist in reader2 are inserted to the database table and if they exist they are updated.
here is my cord that runs but nothing is writen to database
If con.State = ConnectionState.Open Then
End If
con = New SqlConnection(cs1)
Dim cmd2 = New SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM tblExamResults WHERE class='" & cmbClass.Text & "'and examType = '" & cmbExamType.Text & "' and term = '" & cmbTerm.Text & "' and yr= '" & cmbYr.Text & "'")
cmd2.Connection = con
Dim rdr1 As SqlDataReader
rdr1 = cmd2.ExecuteReader
Dim sname, adm, class1, yr, term, examType, eng, kisw, math, bio, chem, phy, hist, cre, geo, agr, biz, total, pos, grade As String
While rdr1.HasRows
sname = rdr1.Item("sname")
adm = rdr1.Item("adm")
class1 = rdr1.Item("class")
yr = rdr1.Item("yr")
examType = rdr1.Item("examType")
term = rdr1.Item("term")
math = rdr1.Item("math")
eng = rdr1.Item("eng")
kisw = rdr1.Item("kisw")
bio = rdr1.Item("bio")
chem = rdr1.Item("chem")
phy = rdr1.Item("phy")
hist = rdr1.Item("hist")
cre = rdr1.Item("cre")
geo = rdr1.Item("geo")
agr = rdr1.Item("agr")
biz = rdr1.Item("biz")
total = rdr1.Item("total")
pos = rdr1.Item("pos")
grade = rdr1.Item("grade")
For Each row1 As DataRow In rdr
For Each row2 As DataRow In rdr1
If row1.ToString <> row2.ToString Then
Dim comm = New SqlCommand("insert into tblExamResults(sname,adm,class,examType,yr,math,eng,kisw,bio,chem,phy,hist,cre,geo,biz,total,agr,term,pos) values('" & sname & "','" & adm & "','" & class1 & "','" & examType & "','" & yr & "','" & math & "','" & eng & "','" & kisw & "','" & bio & "','" & chem & "','" & phy & "','" & hist & "','" & cre & "','" & geo & "','" & biz & "','" & total & "','" & agr & "','" & term & "','" & pos & "')")
MsgBox("record updated successfully", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
Dim comm = New SqlCommand("update tblExamresults set adm='" + adm + "',class='" + class1 + "',sname='" + Name + "',examType='" + examType + "',yr='" + yr + "',math='" + math + "',eng='" + eng + "',kisw='" + kisw + "',bio='" + bio + "',chem='" + chem + "',phy='" + phy + "',hist='" + hist + "',cre='" + cre + "',geo='" + geo + "',agr='" + agr + "',biz='" + biz + "',total='" + total + "',pos='" + pos + "',term='" + term + "'")
comm.Connection = con
End If
End While
MsgBox("record saved successfully", MsgBoxStyle.Information)
'End If
End Sub