i am learning ejb. which is the best and easiest software to deploy. is it weblogic or eclipse or jboss. i m little bit confused . any body guide me with good tutorial site?

Each application server will have its own deployment mechanisms and tutorials.
Eclipse is not an application server so has no place in your list :)

I suggest you stick with the official reference implementation and the tutorials which make use of it for now.
That way you won't be tricked into doing all kinds of server specific stuff and thinking it's standard.

I suggest you stick with the official reference implementation and the tutorials which make use of it for now.
That way you won't be tricked into doing all kinds of server specific stuff and thinking it's standard.

If, by the official reference implementation, you mean the J2EE SDK and the J2EE tutorial, the tutorial has a lot of application server specific stuff.

not in the Java code it presents...

If you code for for example JBoss there's tons of non-standard stuff you can do that won't work with any other server.
The RI won't do that for the simple reason that it IS the standard :)

The application server specific stuff in the tutorial is its description on
how to deploy the examples on a sun one application server. Other than
that, everything is standard j2ee. And the reader should hopefully be
able to read the server documentation well enough to find out how to
deploy an application, especially when a war file is provided.

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