/*  SPRPTA Bus Ticket Reservation System
    C++ Software Development Project        */

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <conio.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

int count01 ;

// class Passenger
class Passenger
                string    str_City, str_ContactNumber, str_UserName, str_Password, str_name ;


                string   str_NIC ;


                Passenger(string name, string NIC, string City, string ContactNumber, string Username, string Password) ;
                void Login();
                void SearchFile_and_Update() ;
                void Deletes() ;
                ~Passenger() ;


// class Seats

class Seats{


            int i_SeatNo ;


            void CheckSeatAvailabilty() ;


// class Reservations

class Reservations : public Passenger,public Seats{

protected :

        string str_Arrival_St, str_Dep_St ;

        int  i_No_Tickets, i_Charge ;
        double i_total ;


                // to make a reservation
                Reservations(string NIC, string DeptSt, string ArrivalSt, int NoTickets );

                void SearchFile_and_Update();
                // ModifyReservation Function
                void Deletes();
                // cancel reservation function
                void Show(string, string, string, int, int, int);

                double  CalculateFee(double, int) ;



// class TimeTables

class TimeTables : public Reservations{

                void Show()const ;

                ~TimeTables ();

// class Payments
class Payments: public Reservations{

    public :
                void Show()const ;



// payments - show

inline void Payments :: Show()const{

                    fstream payments ;
                    payments.open("Payments.txt",ios :: in)  ;
                    string line ;
                    cout << "\n\n-----------------Payment Scheme------------------\n\n" ;


                            cout << line << "\n" ;


// timetables - Show

inline void TimeTables :: Show()const{

                    string line2 ;

                    ifstream timetable("Timetables.txt") ;

                    cout << "\n\n----------------TimeTable-------------------------\n\n" ;


                            getline(timetable,line2) ;
                            cout << line2 << "\n\n" ;



// Reservations constructor

inline Reservations :: Reservations(string NIC, string DeptSt, string ArrivalSt, int NoTickets ){

                        Reservations  r2 ;

                        str_NIC = NIC ;
                        str_Dep_St = DeptSt ;
                        str_Arrival_St = ArrivalSt ;
                        i_No_Tickets = NoTickets ;

                        ifstream PaymentsRead ;
                        PaymentsRead.open("Payments.txt") ;

                        double  ch ;

                        string s1,s2 ;

                        while(PaymentsRead >> s1 >> s2 >> ch){

                                if((str_Dep_St == s1) & (str_Arrival_St == s2)){

                                    i_total = CalculateFee(ch, i_No_Tickets);


                        char confirmation ;

                            cout << "\n\nConfirm the Reservation(Y/N): \n\n" ;
                            cin >> confirmation ;
                            confirmation = tolower(confirmation);

                        if(confirmation == 'y'){

                                fstream Reservations ;
                                fstream Seats ;

                                string line ;

                                Reservations.open("Reservations.txt", ios::app | ios:: out | ios::ate);

                                Seats.open("Seat.txt", ios :: app | ios :: out | ios :: ate | ios :: in);

                                Seats <<  str_NIC << "\t" << i_No_Tickets <<"\n" ;

                                Reservations << str_NIC <<"\t"<< str_Dep_St <<"\t"<< str_Arrival_St <<"\t"<< i_No_Tickets
                                            << "\t" << i_total <<"\n";



                                cout << "\n\nConfirmation denied and exiting from the program \n" ;
                                exit(0) ;

                                r2.Show(str_NIC, str_Dep_St, str_Arrival_St, i_No_Tickets, ch, i_total  ) ;


// modify Reservation function

inline void Reservations :: SearchFile_and_Update(){

                                Reservations  r1 ;
                                double ch;
                                char confirmation ;
                                int   s7;

                                    ifstream reservationsIn ; //SEARCH
                                    ifstream  seatsIn; //search

                                    fstream  reservationsOut ;
                                    fstream seatsOut ;

                                    cout << "\n\nConfirm the You wants to modify reservation(Y/N): \n\n" ;
                                    cin >> confirmation ;
                                    confirmation = tolower(confirmation) ;

                        if(confirmation == 'y'){

                                    TimeTables T1 ;
                                    Payments P1 ;
                                    P1.Show() ;

                                    cout << "\n\n-------------------------------------------------\n\n" ;

                                    cout <<"\n\nEnter new your NIC :\n\n" ;
                                    cin >> str_NIC ;

                                     cout << "\n\n-------------------------------------------------\n\n" ;

                                    cout << "\n\n New Depature station\n\n " ;
                                    cin >> str_Dep_St ;

                                    cout << "\n\n New Arrival station\n\n " ;
                                    cin >> str_Arrival_St ;

                                    cout << "\n\nNew  No. of Tickets\n\n " ;
                                    cin >> i_No_Tickets ;

                                    fstream PaymentsRead ;
                                    PaymentsRead.open("Payments.txt", ios :: in) ;

                                    string s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6 ;

                                        while(PaymentsRead >> s1 >> s2 >> ch){

                                                if((str_Dep_St == s1) & (str_Arrival_St == s2)){
                                                        cout << ch ;
                                                        i_total = CalculateFee(ch, i_No_Tickets);

                                        } cout << ch ;

                        seatsIn.open("Seats.txt") ;

                                while(reservationsIn >> s1 >> s2 >> s3 >> s4 >> s5){

                                    reservationsOut.open("temp7.txt",ios :: app) ;

                                        if(s1 == str_NIC){

                                            while(seatsIn >> s6 >> s7){

                                                seatsOut.open("temp8.txt",ios :: app) ;

                                                    if(s6 == str_NIC){

                                                            seatsOut <<  str_NIC << "\t" << i_No_Tickets << "\n";

                                                            reservationsOut << str_NIC <<"\t"<< str_Dep_St <<"\t"<< str_Arrival_St <<"\t"<< i_No_Tickets
                                                                       << "\t" << i_total    << "\n";

                                                            cout << "\n\nRecord found & updated!\n\n" ;
                                                            cout << "\n\n-------------------------------------------------\n\n" ;

                                                                    count01 ++ ;


                                                    else {

                                                            seatsOut << s6 << "\t" <<  s7 << "\n";

                                                            reservationsOut << s1 <<"\t"<< s2 <<"\t"<< s3  <<"\t"<< s4<<"\t"
                                                                            << s5 <<"\n";



                                    } // end of while - match4

                                } // end of outer if

                            } // end of outer while

                        }// end of confirmation if

                                     if(count01 == 0){

                                                cout << "\n\nRecord  could not be found!\n\n" ;
                                                remove("temp7.txt") ;
                                                remove("temp8.txt") ;


                                    if(count01 != 0){

                                                int r = rename("temp7.txt","Reservations.txt");
                                                int r2 =  rename("temp8.txt","Seats.txt");

                                                    if ( (r == 0) & (r2 == 0) )
                                                            puts ( "File successfully renamed" );
                                                            perror( "Error renaming file" );

                                                seatsOut.close() ;
                                                cout << "\n\nDone!\n\n" ;

                                            r1.Show(str_NIC, str_Dep_St, str_Arrival_St, i_No_Tickets,ch, i_total  ) ;


// cancel Reservations

inline void Reservations :: Deletes(){

                                char confirmation ;
                                string  nic, nic2, dept, arr, s8;
                                int nt, ch, tot,sn;
                                ifstream ResIn ; //reservations
                                ifstream SeatIn ; //seats

                                fstream ResOut ;
                                fstream SeatOut ;

                                    cout << "\n\nConfirm to Cancel the Reservation(Y/N): \n\n" ;
                                    cin >> confirmation ;
                                    confirmation = tolower(confirmation) ;

                        if(confirmation == 'y'){

                                    cout << "\n\n-------------------------------------------------\n\n" ;

                                    cout <<"\n\nEnter your NIC :\n\n" ;
                                    cin >> str_NIC ;

                                     cout << "\n\n-------------------------------------------------\n\n" ;

                            SeatIn.open("Seats.txt") ;

                                while(ResIn >> nic >> dept >> arr >> nt >> ch >> tot){

                                    ResOut.open("temp5.txt",ios :: app | ios :: out) ;

                                        if(nic != str_NIC){

                                            while(SeatIn >> nic2 >> sn){

                                                SeatOut.open("temp6.txt",ios :: app | ios :: out) ;

                                                    if(nic2 != str_NIC){

                                                            SeatOut <<  nic2 << "\t" << nt << "\n";

                                                            ResOut << nic <<"\t"<< dept <<"\t"<< arr <<"\t"<< nt <<"\t"<< ch
                                                                       << tot  << "\n";


                                                    else {

                                                            count01 ++ ;


                                    } // end of while - match4

                                        } // end of outer if

                                } // end of outer while
                        }// end of confirmation if


                                     if(count01 == 0){

                                                cout << "\n\nRecord  could not be found!\n\n" ;
                                                remove("temp5.txt") ;
                                                remove("temp6.txt") ;


                                    if(count01 > 0){


                                                ResIn.close() ;
                                                cout << "\n\nDone!\n\n" ;


// Reservations - Show
inline void Reservations :: Show(string NIC, string Dept_St, string Arrival_St, int No_Tickets, int Charge, int total ){

                        system("CLS") ;

                  cout <<"\n\nNIC :" << NIC  << "\n"
                       <<"\n\nDep. St. :" << Dept_St << "\t\t"
                       <<"Arrival St. :" << Arrival_St <<"\n\n"
                       <<"No_Tickets :" << No_Tickets <<"\t"
                       <<"Charge for one ticket :" << Charge <<"\t"
                       << "total = " << total <<"\n\n" ;


// Reservations Deconstructor

inline Reservations :: ~Reservations(){}

// Payments Calculate
inline double Reservations :: CalculateFee(double fee, int nt)
   i_total = nt * fee ;
   return i_total ;

// Seats - CheckSeatAvailability
 inline void  Seats ::  CheckSeatAvailabilty(){

                    int  NoLines = 0 ;
                    string line ;
                    ifstream SeatAvailbility ;



                            getline(SeatAvailbility,line) ;
                            NoLines ++;


                    i_SeatNo = NoLines  ;

                            if(i_SeatNo == 32 ){

                            cout <<"\n\nSeats are not available at the moment.\n\n" ;


                            cout <<"\n\n" << 32 - i_SeatNo << "  are available.\n\n" ;


                } // seat availability  function end

// Delete record function
inline void Passenger ::  Deletes(){

                    string   nic, name, city, username, password , cn;

                     cout <<"\n\nEnter your NIC to delete the record :\n\n" ;
                     cin >> str_NIC ;

                        fstream deleteF ;
                        ofstream df ;

                        deleteF.open("Passenger.txt", ios::in | ios :: out);

                            while(deleteF >> nic >> name >> city >> cn >>username >> password){

                                    df.open("temp2.txt",ios :: ate ) ;

                                        if(nic != str_NIC){

                                            df    << nic <<"\t"<< name <<"\t"<< city <<"\t"
                                                      << cn <<"\t"<< username
                                                      <<"\t"  << password << "\n";


                                        else {

                                               count01 ++ ;

                                            df.close() ;

                                }// end of while

                                  deleteF.close() ;
                                if(count01 == 0){

                                                remove("temp2.txt") ;
                                                cout << "\n\nRecord not found\n\n" ;


                                            if(count01 > 0){



                                        cout << "\n\nDone!\n\n" ;

            }//end of function DeleteRecord

// Search file and update
inline void Passenger :: SearchFile_and_Update(){

                      string   nic, name, city, username, password , cn;

                                    cout << "\n\n-------------------------------------------------\n\n" ;

                                    cout <<"\n\nEnter your NIC :\n\n" ;
                                    cin >> str_NIC ;

                        ifstream PassengerIn ;
                        ofstream writeFile ;


                                while(PassengerIn >> nic >> name >> city >> cn >>username >> password){

                                    writeFile.open("temp1.txt",ios :: app ) ;

                                        if(nic == str_NIC){

                                            cout << "\n\nRecord found!\n\n" ;

                                            cout << "\n\n-------------------------------------------------\n\n" ;

                                            cout << "\n\nNew Passenger Name:\n\n "  ;
                                            cin >> str_name ;

                                            cout << "\n\nNew Passenger City:\n\n " ;//address change to city
                                            cin >> str_City ;

                                            cout << "\n\nNew Passenger : Contact No\n\n " ;
                                            cin >> str_ContactNumber ;

                                            cout << "\n\nNew Passenger : UserName \n\n " ;
                                            cin >> str_UserName ;

                                            cout << "\n\nNew Passenger : Password\n\n " ;
                                            cin >> str_Password ;

                                            writeFile << str_NIC <<"\t"<< str_name <<"\t"<< str_City <<"\t"
                                                      << str_ContactNumber <<"\t"<< str_UserName
                                                      <<"\t"  << str_Password << "\n";

                                            count01 ++ ;



                                            writeFile << nic <<"\t"<< name <<"\t"<< city <<"\t"
                                                      << cn <<"\t"<< username
                                                      <<"\t"  << password << "\n";



                                }// end of while

                                  PassengerIn.close() ;
                                if(count01 == 0){

                                                cout << "\n\nRecord  could not be found!\n\n" ;
                                                remove("temp1.txt") ;


                                    if(count01 > 0){



                                                cout << "\n\nDone!\n\n" ;


// Login
 inline void Passenger :: Login()


                    string username01, password01 ;

                            cout <<"-------------------------------------------"
                                 << "\n\nLogin Screen\n\n"
                                 << "\n\nEnter your UserName:\n\n" ;

                            cin >> username01 ;

                            cout << "\n\nEnter your Password:\n\n" ;
                            //system("COLOR 6E") ;
                            cin >> password01 ;

                            ifstream matchup ;
                            matchup.open("Passenger.txt", ios::in );

                    string s1,s2, s3, s4, s5, s6 ;

                    while(matchup >> s1 >> s2 >> s3 >> s4 >> s5 >> s6 ){

                           if(s5 == username01 && s6 == password01 ){

                                cout <<"\n\nLogged in Successfully.\n\n";
                        } //end of while


// Passenger constructor
 inline Passenger ::   Passenger(string name, string NIC, string City, string ContactNumber, string Username, string Password){

                    str_name = name ;
                    str_NIC = NIC ;
                    str_City = City ;
                    str_ContactNumber = ContactNumber ;
                    str_UserName = Username ;
                    str_Password = Password ;

                fstream registration ;

                registration.open("Passenger.txt", ios::app | ios:: out | ios::ate);

                registration << str_NIC <<"\t"<< str_name <<"\t"<< str_City <<"\t"<< str_ContactNumber <<"\t"<< str_UserName
                             <<"\t"  << str_Password << "\n";



// Passenger deconstructor
inline Passenger :: ~Passenger(){}

inline TimeTables :: ~TimeTables(){}

inline Payments :: ~Payments(){}

// Reservations constructor
inline Reservations :: Reservations(){}


 int main()

    int mainchoice, subChoiceOne , nt ;
    string name, NIC,  City, Password,  UserName, ContactNumber, DepSt, ArrSt;


        mainMenu :

                system("COLOR 70");
            cout << "\n\n Welcome to SPRPTA Bus Ticket Reservation System \n\n" ;

            cout << "\n\n  1.Customer\n\n"
                 << "  2.Reservation\n\n"
                 << "  3.Exit\n\n"
                 << "\n\n Enter your choice :" ;

            cin >> mainchoice ;

            if ((mainchoice !=1) & (mainchoice != 2) & (mainchoice != 3 )){

                throw 11 ;


        catch(int x){

            perror("\n\n Please select a Relevant Number from the menu \n\n" );
            return main() ;


                case 1:{
                            subMenu :

                            cout << "-------------------------------------------------\n\n"
                                    <<  "\n\n1.Register\n\n"
                                    << "2.Modify\n\n"
                                    << "3.Remove Account\n\n"
                                    << "\n\nEnter your choice :" ;

                            cin >> subChoiceOne ;

          if ((subChoiceOne !=1) & (subChoiceOne != 2) & (subChoiceOne != 3 )){

                throw 12 ;

            catch(int y){

                perror( "\n\nError - Please select a Relevant Number from the menu \n\n") ;
                goto mainMenu ;



                          case 1: {


                                     cout << "-------------------------------------------------\n\n"
                                          << "Please fill in this information for the Registration";

                                     cout << "\n\nPassenger Name:\n\n "  ;
                                     cin >> name ;

                                     cout << "\n\nPassenger NIC:\n\n " ;
                                     cin >> NIC ;

                                    cout << "\n\nPassenger City:\n\n " ;
                                    cin >> City ;

                                    cout << "\n\nPassenger : Contact No\n\n " ;
                                    cin >> ContactNumber ;

                                    cout << "\n\nPassenger : UserName \n\n " ;
                                    cin >> UserName ;

                                    cout << "\n\nPassenger : Password\n\n " ;
                                    cin >> Password ;
                                    //make the password protective

                        Passenger P1(name, NIC,  City, ContactNumber , UserName, Password );

                        cout << "\n\nPress any key to move to the sub Menu.\n\n" ;

                        system("PAUSE") ;
                        goto subMenu ;

                        }; // Sub  choice first case

                                break ;

                        case 2:{

                                    Passenger P2 ;
                                    P2.Login() ;
                                    P2.SearchFile_and_Update() ;

                                    cout << "Press any key to move to the sub Menu.\n\n" ;

                                    system("PAUSE") ;
                                    goto subMenu ;

                        } ;

                                break ;

                        case 3:{

                                Passenger P3 ;
                                P3.Login() ;
                                P3.Deletes() ;

                                cout << "Press any key to move to the sub Menu.\n\n" ;

                                system("PAUSE") ;
                                goto subMenu ;


                                break ;

                            }//sub switch one

                };//main choice first case

                    break ;

        case 2:{
                        int subChoice2 ;

                        cout << "-------------------------------------------------\n\n"
                             <<  "\n\n1.Make a Reservation\n\n"
                             << "2.Modify Reservation\n\n"
                             << "3.Cancel Reservation\n\n"
                             << "\n\nEnter your choice :" ;

                         cin >> subChoice2 ;


                         case 1:{

                                    Reservations R2 ;
                                    R2.Login() ;
                                    char check ;

                                    cout << "\n\nCheck seat availabilty(Y/N) ?\n" ;
                                    cin >> check ;
                                    check = tolower(check);

                                    if(check == 'y'){

                                       TimeTables T1 ;
                                       Payments P1 ;


                                    cout << "\n\n Passenger NIC:\n\n "  ;
                                    cin >> NIC ;

                                    cout << "\n\n Depature station\n\n " ;
                                    cin >> DepSt ;

                                    cout << "\n\n Arrival station\n\n " ;
                                    cin >> ArrSt ;

                                    cout << "\n\nNo. of Tickets\n\n " ;
                                    cin >> nt ;

                                    Reservations R2(NIC,DepSt, ArrSt, nt);

                                    goto mainMenu ;

                                    break ;

                            case 2:{
                                         Reservations R3 ;
                                         R3.Login() ;
                                         R3.SearchFile_and_Update() ;

                                         cout << "Press any key to move to the main Menu.\n\n" ;

                                         system("PAUSE") ;
                                         goto mainMenu ;

                                        break ;

                            case 3:{
                                              Reservations R4 ;
                                              R4.Login() ;
                                              R4.Deletes() ;

                                              cout << "Press any key to move to the main Menu.\n\n" ;

                                              system("PAUSE") ;
                                              goto mainMenu ;


                                        break ;

                    } // second sub switch end

                    //main switch case 2 ;

                    break ;
        case 3:{

                    break ;

    } // main switch end



        perror ("\n\nUnexpected Error occoured, Program is terminating\n\n") ;


return 0;


And your qustion is?

If you'd like to share code, consider using the sites "snippits" system. If you have a question, then recreate the problem with a few lines of code, and ask a question (and include the input and the output).

What Hiroshe said. Asking us to analyize over 1000 lines of code is not particularly useful... and you don't ask any relevant questions or describe the errors you are encountering.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

To add to the excellent advice already given, consider revising your code so it is more standard, any functions from conio.h is non standard meaning depending on your compiler it may or may not work. Really these functions are useful for fluff, prettying up the console, worst case scenario, newbies wrongly use getch() to halt the console window when a more elegant PORTABLE function exists..

Please also avoid the use of system, as this can be exploited.

goto whilst it is OK to use in certain cases is frowned up, in this case I would say it is frowned upon.

You're using the & operator in your if statements, I'm more than certain you mean to use the logical and operator instead &&

Finally, consider reformating your code so it is more readable. This includes aligning your opening and closing brackets/parentheses, removing unnecessary newlines.

We'll turn a blind eye as sometimes when you paste code from your ide to daniweb the tabs and such can mess it up.

These are a few problems I just picked up but there maybe more.

Sorry for communication difficulties, thank your very much for your advices and instructions. I am still a beginner in C++ and this is my first assignment in c++

sir,which technique u have used ,wheather it ia a indexing , hashing, document processing, buffer management,configuartaion mangement, etc

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