hi, i have written a function that can search through a folder and display a picture in a new window if the file is present but i always have to add the image file format or extension before the function can work. is there a way i can work around ignorin the exension like ".gif or .png"
`from tkinter import *
from PIL import *
def display_pix():
hmm = Toplevel(window)
label = Label(hmm,)
PhotoImage(file = 'C:\\Python34\\' + e.get())
logo = PhotoImage(file = 'C:\\Python34\\' + e.get())
label.img = logo
label.config(image = label.img)
window = Tk()
e = Entry(window, width= 20)
e.place(x = 50,y = 30)
b = Button(window, text = 'search',command = display_pix)
b.place(x = 70, y = 50)