Hi, I have a bunch of hex constants I'd like to define with new names for characters for an LCD driver I'm writing.

Can I just define them in hex in the header like this:

#define NINE 0x39

Do I have to force #define statements into char like this?

#define NINE (char)0x39

will the hex work in the #define declaration or do I have to use decimal numbers like this:

#define NINE (char)63

I'd like to keep it hex if possible.

Thanks for any help in advance, Glen.

You can use your first example

#define NINE 0x39

Ok great. Does it store as a char? Or is that program specific?

Thought so, I was hoping I could force it to be a char...

Thought so, I was hoping I could force it to be a char...

You could cast it to character.

#include <stdio.h>

#define NINE (char)0x39

int main()
  fprintf(stdout, "%c %lu\n", NINE, sizeof(NINE));
  return 0;

Just use it. The compiler will compensate for you.

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