
I wrote a Singleton class but i got an error while controlling instantiation


#ifndef CAPTAIN_H
#define CAPTAIN_H

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class Captain
    Captain(const Captain&);
    Captain &operator=(const Captain&);

    std::string name;

    //Controll Instantiation
    static Captain &GetInstance();

    //Set Name of the Captain
    std::string GetName();

    //Get his/her name
    void SetName(std::string _name);


#endif // CAPTAIN_H


#include "captain.h"

Captain& Captain::GetInstance(){
    static Captain instance; //The Error redirect me to here.
    return instance;

std::string Captain::GetName(){
    return name;

void Captain::SetName(std::string _name){
    name = _name;


#include <iostream>
#include "captain.h"

int main()

    Captain &Club = Captain::GetInstance();

    return 0;


error: undefined reference to `Captain::Captain()'

Why is a captian a singleton? Are there not multiple captains in the world? If you want to make a singleton then you need to follow the correct syntax. Here is an example of a singleton:

class Singleton
    // this is a lazy evaluated singleton
    Singleton GetInstance()
        static Singleton instance;
        return instance;
    Singleton() {};  // code for constructor goes here
    // make sure these are here to stop the object from being copied
    Singleton(const Singleton &);
    void operator=(const Singleton &);

Well i know there are its just a name i chose randomly and its only for training not actual project :D
and i know the constructor and copy cnstructor should be private.

I think my code is same as the one you wrote. i just seperated the function definations and declarations.

Look at your constructor versus my constructor.

Ops I forgot constractor defination in the captain.cpp :-D

Thank you it was the error :)

In your header file, you promised that you would be writing the default constructor. Like this:


So because you made that promise, you have to write a default constructor of this form:



but you didn't. So the compiler complains that it can't find the default constructor that you promised you would write.

Thank you @Moschops it was the error

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