The purpose of this assignment is to write a program that requests the user to
enter the data per year, and that computes the EWMA of the growth rates. It
then should use the EWMA to predict the GNI for the next three years.
The actual growth rate can only be computed from the second year on. The
growth rate for the second year will also be the estimated growth rate for the
third year. Only from the third year on can Equation (2) be used to compute
estimates for the next year.
Let gni prev be the GNI of the previous year, rate prev the actual rate
of the previous year, and rate est the current estimate of the growth rate. If
the user enters a GNI gni current for the current year, then you can compute
the rate for the current year, rate current, and the new estimate, rate est,
as follows:
rate_current = (gni_current-gni_prev)/gni_prev ;
rate_est = LAMBDA * rate_current + (1 - LAMBDA) * rate_est;
Once the rate and estimate have been computed, proceed with the next year,
and store the current GNI as the GNI of the (now) previous year.
******Exponential growth predictor*********
In what year does your data start: 2002
Enter data for year 2002 (0 to quit): 76939799
Enter data for year 2003 (0 to quit): 90485490
Enter data for year 2004 (0 to quit): 106534357
Enter data for year 2005 (0 to quit): 119152354
Enter data for year 2006 (0 to quit): 142761445
Enter data for year 2007 (0 to quit): 150300571
Enter data for year 2008 (0 to quit): 0
Estimated growth per year: 14.77%
Prediction for year 2008: 172499885.86
Prediction for year 2009: 197978027.79
Prediction for year 2010: 227219277.80