
Could somebody help me with my problem:

I´ve got a Vector all. Data is: name, date, price@dateX

i will print out every person with name, and the amount (all prices together for that person)

How to do that??

Member Avatar for iamthwee

Do you mean you have a class

which is contains the following:

name, date, price@dateX

and you wish to sort them according to their attributes. And btw, if you can avoid using vectors it is probably wise to do so. I think an arraylist is a better option.

In any case you need to explain your problem a bit more.

No, I´ve got a Vector, something like that:

public Vector data= new Vector();

data contains Objects with parameters: name, date, price@dateX

Now I want to make a summary like this:

name1 sum_of_prices
name2 sum_of_prices
name3 sum_of_prices

Member Avatar for iamthwee

What code do you have so far, can you post it?

public void sum() {
		Purchase tempBuy;

		try {
			for (int i = 0; i < myData.size(); i++) {
				tempBuy= myData.give(i);
				Purchase name1=tempBuy;
					float summaryName1=myData.give(i+1).getPrice()+myData.give(i).getPice();

		} catch (NullPointerException e) {


Member Avatar for iamthwee

Can you post your whole code, with especially where you used vectors.

public class Data implements Serializable {
	private Vector list= new Vector();

public void addPurchase(Purchase buy) {
		try {
		} catch (Exception e) {

public Purchase givePurchase(int i) {
		return ((Purchase) list.get(i));
public void delete(int position) {

public void sum() {
        Purchase tempBuy;

        try {
            for (int i = 0; i < myData.size(); i++) {
                tempBuy= myData.give(i);
                Purchase name1=tempBuy;
                    float summaryName1=myData.give(i+1).getPrice()+myData.give(i).getPice();

        } catch (NullPointerException e) {


Member Avatar for iamthwee

Not quite sure what you're trying to do.

Like I said before I still reckon you need to define a class with the following parameters:

name, date, price@dateX

Then you could create an array or possibly a vector of objects and thus sort them according to their attribute???

Er and no I don't know german.:cry:

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