I have been working on this program for a few days and have most of it working, the only issue that I am having is when a word has multiple iterations pf the same letter. I need the program to print out all the letters that are the same when they are guessed. example if the word is apple and the user guesses p then I need both letter p's to be printed on the output line. Any help would be greatly appreciated, here is what I have.
import random
#Program 4 Hangman
#print the hangman partition
def hangman(turn, correct):
if correct > 0:
turn = turn - correct
if turn == 1:
elif turn == 2:
elif turn == 3:
print(' |')
print(' O')
elif turn == 4:
print(' |')
print(' O')
elif turn == 5:
print(' |')
print(' O')
elif turn == 6:
print(' |')
print(' O')
elif turn == 7:
print(' |')
print(' O')
print('/ \\')
#function to play the hangman game
def game(word):
word = word.upper() #capitalize the word
hint = "-" * len(word) #setup the for the hidden word
count = 0 # counter for the while loop for the 7 user inputs
wrong = []
number = 0
badGuess = 1
correctguess = 0
i = 1
while (count == 0):
print (hint)
guess = input('Please enter guess # ' + str(i) + ':')
guess = guess.upper() #capitalize the user inputs
#loop to see if the guess is in the hidden word
if guess in word:
print('That letter is in the word')
index = word.find(str(guess))
x = list(hint)
x[index] = guess
hint = "".join(x)
correctguess += 1
hangman(i, correctguess)
# if guess is not in the hidden word go to the function to draw hangman
hangman(i, correctguess)
w = " ".join(wrong)
print ('The incorrect letters you have guessed: ' + w)
badGuess += 1
if hint == word:
print('Congratulations you have guessed the word.')
elif badGuess > 7:
print('Sorry you took too many guesses that the word was ' + word)
i += 1
#open the file and read it into a list
file= open('words.txt')
word = file.readlines()
#select a word at random for the game and pass that word to the function game
select = random.choice(word)
selection = select.rstrip()