Here is a sample of the XML
I need to get the <Order Header> Nodes, then loop through the <Order Detal> <Line> Nodes

Using xml Reader "Using reader As XmlReader = XmlReader.Create(New StringReader(sFileContects))", i get all the header information, but cant properly parse the Line Iformation

Using LINQ "Dim xd As XDocument = XDocument.Parse(sFileContects)" I get nothing

<ResponseBatch ConsumerKey="[API-Publ]" Language="en" DateTime="2014091213" SerialID="">
<Response RequestID="GetOrder" Company="01" SerialID="">
<CustomerAddress1>1234 1st St</CustomerAddress1>
<ShipToName>Bob One</ShipToName>
<ShipToAddress1>321 2nd St.</ShipToAddress1>
<ShipToCity>Bob Town</ShipToCity>
<ItemDescription1>CODE: 086664058</ItemDescription1>
<ItemDescription1>NEED ALL Work Done</ItemDescription1>
<ItemDescription2>3/4" PLATE</ItemDescription2>
<ItemDescription1>LABOR, (On-Site/Shop Service)</ItemDescription1>
<ItemDescription2>BRANCH ONE</ItemDescription2>

Sorry, cant figure out how to edit my first post.

Making progress, but I am gettting all the inner nodes return as one line with this code.

        Dim xd As XDocument = XDocument.Parse(sFileContects)
        For Each element As XElement In xd.Descendants("Line")

Got It!

        Dim xd As XDocument = XDocument.Parse(sFileContects)
        For Each element As XElement In xd.Descendants("Line")
            Select Case element.Descendants("ItemType").Value
                Case "C"
                    Debug.Print("C" & element.Descendants("ItemDescription1").Value)
                Case "I"
                    Debug.Print("I" & element.Descendants("ItemNumber").Value)
                    Debug.Print("I" & element.Descendants("ItemDescription1").Value)
                    Debug.Print("I" & element.Descendants("ItemDescription2").Value)
                    Debug.Print("I" & element.Descendants("ActualSellPrice").Value)
                Case Else

            End Select
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