Create a class named Person that includes fields for last name, first name, and zip code. Include a default constructor that initialize last name, first name and zip code to ‘X’ if no arguments are supplied. Also include a display method, displayPerson() to display Person details. Create a test class (main class) called TestPerson where your main() is located. In main(), instantiate and display two Person objects: one that uses default values, and one for which you supply your own values.

I suggest you start by writing pseudo code. Then ...create a class named person.

public class Person
    private String FirstName;
    private String LastName;
    private int ZipCode;

    public Person(){

    public Person(String FirstName, String LastName, int ZipCode)
        this.FirstName = FirstName;
        this.LastName = LastName;
        this.ZipCode = ZipCode;

    public void displayPerson()


This is what i've got , still dont know where to put the "X" and how to include a default constructor that initialize last name, first name and zip code to ‘X’ if no arguments are supplied.

if you don't know that, it means your reading comprehension is zero.
Nothing we can do is going to change that.

You already have a default constructor (line 7). That's where you can set the X values.

As James said, you can set them in the default contructor on line 7, and just set your variable to some strings of your choice, so whenever you create a person he will be automatically assigned to those strings, which could represent names etc

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