hi guys
remember that I had a game to build and was asking for help, well I spoke with my lecture and the game what I was talking about is more or less a program. it is a Java multiplication table math game but I have to build it like a program.. the game goes like this:
it has 5 levels. and each levels is made up of 3 and 4 rounds. level 1 which is level-easy is made up of 3 rounds, level - medium and hard is made up of 4 rounds. all in all each difficulty level consist of 12 questions.
now for level easy, every time the game is launch it must generate different random questions for each rounds - How do I do that: how do I generate random question every time the game is launch.
for level medium it has 4 rounds and it also must generate different random questions - again how do i do that. can any one guide me.
for level - hard, it must also generate different random question and again how do i do that.
in the starting up of the game, it must prompt for the student name and age, (which I already know this much) and it must also prompt for the difficulty level the student want to play - how do i do that. it should have these letters either "M" or 'm", "E' or "e' or "H" or "h' for either level they would imply.
functionality which should achieved is
in level one, it should have a welcome message and a comprehensive explanation and rules of the game (which I did), the student name and age and the level they want to purse (how do i prompt for the difficulty for the student to pursue)
level 2 the difficulty level should have specified the number of rounds with 12 questions and the game must always display the student current question number, game round and point/score and the number that they have remaining- how do I do that
level 3 each game round must generate random question every time the game is launched and they cannot proceed until to the next question until the student answer correctly the current question.
level 4 the game award point foe each correct question answered and they have four tries and chances decrease for every incorrect answer - the game must generate different randm question for each time it is launch (how do i do that)
level 5 the game sould only end when the students wins the game by answering the 12 question successfully or when they fail all chances.
I have to used the count and sum
how and when do I use the count and sum in the game.
Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);
String students_name, welcome_msg, descrip_of_game,rules_ofgame, difficulty_level, state;
int students_age, game_rounds;
System.out.println("Welcome Students!!!\n" + "Come let’s have some fun with maths and give your brains a workout!!!\n" + "This is an interactive game which is design for students from second year to standard five. The game will give the student the basic knowledge of the multiplication tables and provide them with a solid foundation for future development.");
welcome_msg = scan.nextLine();
System.out.println("This game is made up to four levels. Each level is made up of a number of rounds. Level easy is made up of three rounds, while level medium and hard are made up of four rounds each. In each rounds and in each level, every correct answer your points will increase but will decrease with any incorrect answers. Each levels consist of 12 questions which must be answered correctly in order to advance. Each students are given a maximum of three chances.");
rules_ofgame = scan.nextLine();
System.out.println("please enter student name");
students_name = scan.nextLine();
System.out.println("please enter students age ");
students_age = scan.nextInt();