hey everyone, ive been making some simple games recently with c++ and sdl, I use Dev-cpp as my compiler. I just was making a game where a missle follows after a planet, and it freezes after a few seconds of playing. When I debug it however it doesnt freeze. I'm totally perplexed, anyone know what might be the problem?
My only guess is that before it freezes the screen moves slightly, and i dont have anything built to allow the screen to move, which would freeze it but why is the screen moving?
I'm sure the problem isnt setup.h frameratecap.h or formatload.h
Main File
#include "Setup.h"
#include "FrameRateCap.h"
#include "C-Planet.cpp"
#include "C-Missle.cpp"
//remember to have sdl.dll in the folder with your game
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
SDL_Surface *Screen;
Screen = Setup(1000,1000,32);//sets up the screen and SDL
Planet Earth(200,100,100,Screen);//initializes Planet Earth, its constructor function
Missle Missle1(450,450,Screen); //constructor for missle, intializing Missle1
int Cap = 1; //the frame rate cap IMPORTANT variable, makes game smooth at 20, 30 is okay to
Uint32 Last = SDL_GetTicks();// gets the basis for frame rate cap function, the function only caps it remember
Last = FrameRateCap(Cap, Last); //passes last into frame rate cap which caps the frame rate at cap and returns a value for last to use next time the while loop cycles
Earth.Update();//see C-Planet class
Missle1.Update(Earth.Dest.x,Earth.Dest.y);//gives the missle Earths position to track and has to update after Earth to be up to date on Earths exact coordinates
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT))//if shift is pressed it quits from SDl and the program
return 0;
SDL_Flip(Screen);//updates the screen with all objects preloaded at onceto prevent tearing from updating everything one at a time directly to the screen, this way there updated one at a time to a pre screen which then updates the screen
}//end of while loop brace
return 0;
}//end of program brace
Planet Class
#include "FormatLoad.h"
#include "SDL/SDL.h"
#include "Windows.h"
class Planet
int VelocityY, VelocityX; //track velocity
int Mass; //mass, used for gravity
SDL_Surface *Earth, *Screen;
SDL_Rect Source,Dest;
Planet(int MassTemp, int PosX, int PosY, SDL_Surface *TempScreen)
Mass = MassTemp;//sets the mass of the planet
VelocityY = 0;
VelocityX = 0;//sets velocity
Earth = FormatLoad("Earth.bmp");//loads planet into memory
Screen = TempScreen;
Source.x = 0;
Source.y = 0;
Source.w = Earth->w;//width is the sdl_surface planets width
Source.h = Earth->h;
Dest.x = PosX;//position is the position passed to the function
Dest.y = PosY;
Dest.w = Earth->w;
Dest.h = Earth->h;
SDL_BlitSurface(Earth,&Source,Screen,&Dest);//Blits planet to screen
int Update()
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP))//these four check for key presses on the arrow keys and adjust velocity accordingly
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN))//these four check for key presses on the arrow keys and adjust velocity accordingly
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT))//these four check for key presses on the arrow keys and adjust velocity accordingly
if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT))
SDL_FillRect(Screen,&Dest,SDL_MapRGB(Screen->format,0,0,0));//fills in the planets old space with the color 0,0,0 (black)
Dest.x = Dest.x + VelocityX;//updates x position
Dest.y = Dest.y - VelocityY;//updates y position, y graph of positions is inverted with sdl so you subtract the velocity instead of adding,
SDL_BlitSurface(Earth,&Source,Screen,&Dest);//Blits current planet to screen
And Finally the Missle Class, I think the problem is in the update function here.
#include "SDL/SDL.h"
#include "Windows.h"
class Missle
int VelocityX, VelocityY;//velocity
SDL_Surface *Tracker, *Screen;
SDL_Rect Source,Dest;
SDL_Surface* FormatAndLoad(const char *ImageToLoad)//multiple redefinitions blah blah, this is easier,formatANDload
SDL_Surface *temp;
temp = SDL_LoadBMP(ImageToLoad);
SDL_Surface *Image;
Image = (SDL_DisplayFormat(temp));
return Image;
Missle(int PosX,int PosY, SDL_Surface *TempScreen)//constructor
VelocityX = 0;//initializes variables, otherwise the comparisons (< or >) in update have nothing to compare to and the missle doesnt refresh and the program crashes
VelocityY = 0;
Screen = TempScreen;//gives the missle a pointer to the screen
Tracker = FormatAndLoad("Tracker.bmp");//loads the missle bitmap
Dest.x = PosX;//initializes the position with the variables passed into the constructor
Dest.y = PosY;
Dest.w = Tracker->w;
Dest.h = Tracker->h;
Source.x = 0;
Source.y = 0;
Source.w = Tracker->w;//in bitmapitializes width and height of tracker
Source.h = Tracker->h;
SDL_BlitSurface(Tracker,&Source,Screen,&Dest);//Blits missle to the screen
return;//no return value for a constructor
}//end of missle function
int Update(Sint16 PlanetX,Sint16 PlanetY)
if (PlanetX > Dest.x)//exactly the same as y's below
if (PlanetX < Dest.x)
if (PlanetY < Dest.y)//if the Planet is higher than the missle
VelocityY++;//increse velocity
if (PlanetY > Dest.y)//if the missle is higher than the planet
VelocityY--;//decrease velcoity
SDL_FillRect(Screen,&Dest,SDL_MapRGB(Screen->format,0,0,0));//fills in the missles old space with the color 0,0,0 (black)
Dest.x = Dest.x + VelocityX;//updates X position according to velocity X
Dest.y = Dest.y - VelocityY;//updates y position, y graph of positions is inverted with sdl so you subtract the velocity instead of adding, updates x position
return 0;
}//end of update function
};//end of class
sorry for the length, thanks for any help