thank you all of you for the help i really appreciate it.
i have a hopefully quick question, is this the correct syntax for adding an integer to a buffer: " add dword [userScore], 6 " or do i have to convert the userScore buffer to integer then add and then convert the resulting int back into string to insert back into the userScore?

If my memory serves me well, add dword [userscore],6 will add 6 to the memory location pointed to by userscore. So I guess no conversion is needed.

That depends on what the label userscore is for. Is it a single dword holding the value as an integer, or is it a byte buffer holding a string? In other words, assuming NASM syntax, is it:

userscore:    resw 1  ; or 'userscore dw ?' in MASM 


userscore:    resb 8   ; or some other arbitrary size string

If it is a string, then yes, it would need to be converted first, then added to, then converted again. However, in that case, you may find it more useful to have userscore stored as a dword in integer form and only converted to a string when being displayed.

Currently, i have:

section .bss

userScore: resb 4

. . . . .

cmp edx, 5

add dword[userScore], edx
je printUserScore
call pcTurn

i would like to make this a simple process as i am not doing anything extravagant other than cycling through a few functions and just adding to the userScore quantity and ultimately printing it out. So, to use a word to store the userScore i should:

section .bss

userScore: resw 1

. . . . .

add dword[userScore], 5
je printUserScore
call pcTurn

then continue to add to userScore as needed until i need to print it out simply convert the userScore to string?

That's correct, except that either the size of the declaration should be resd (32-bit - my mistake in my earlier post) or the size of the operand should be word (16-bit). Which you want depends on the how high the score can go - 16-bit unsigned values go only to 65536, while 32-bit unsigned go over 4 billion. If you expect the scoring to exceed 65536, then use a dword or even a qword (64-bit).

makes perfect sense! and my algorithm works now thank you very much for your help!

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