Hey guys,

I have this script that does count one year of files, 2014, but when it comes to this year, everything messes up.
How could I count properly for each year in the same script ?

In the attached screenshot it's obvious that I would only need 2014 - all of the months and from 2015 only January, but .... how ?

Thanks in advance!

ls -la |
awk -v year="$(date "+%Y")" 'BEGIN {
        split("Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec", month, " ")
        for (i=1; i<=12; i++){ 
$8 ~ /:/{$8=year} {
  dat=$8 sprintf("%02d",mdigit[$6]) sprintf("%02d",$7)
END{for(i in a){print i, a[i]|"sort"}}'

Because recent modified files do not have year number display in the list. You may try ls -la --full-time and will have to update some of your display.

year=$(date +"%Y")
if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
echo $year
list=$(ls -la --full-time | awk -v pattern="$year" '$6 ~ pattern { printf ("%s %s ", $6, $9) }')
echo $list

The above is a quick & dirty test of how to capture all files that were modified at a given year (or the current year if no argument is passed). Column 6 in the list is now yyyy-mm-dd instead of spelling out month name.

commented: great +5

this also is why 'ls' should be avoided in shell script; instead use 'stat'.

Thank you Taywin, you solution was the good one, I've splitted the output in PHP and transformed it in array and counted the same occurences and it worked well!

Because recent modified files do not have year number display in the list. You may try ls -la --full-time and will have to update some of your display.

>     #!/bin/bash
>     year=$(date +"%Y")
>     if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then
>     year=$1
>     fi
>     echo $year
>     list=$(ls -la --full-time | awk -v pattern="$year" '$6 ~ pattern { printf ("%s %s ", $6, $9) }')
>     echo $list

The above is a quick & dirty test of how to capture all files that were modified at a given year (or the current year if no argument is passed). Column 6 in the list is now yyyy-mm-dd instead of spelling out month name.

even better : use 'find' it'll do it at once.

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