Question: It seems my code won't work while looping. It's a simple password verifier, however entering subsequent passwords will return the same invalid as the previous password. The simple answer might be to set boolean values under the do so they reset everytime the loop runs. But if I do that then the while doesn't recognize the values. I've also tried just setting the while to false but that causes the loops output to be all screwy. Any ideas here?
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Pass
public static void main(String[] args)
boolean invalidLength = false; // Boolean for checking length
boolean containsRestrictedWord = false; // Boolean for checking for restrictd words
boolean containsLowerCaseLetter = false; // Boolean for checking for a lower case letter
boolean containsUpperCaseLetter = false; // Boolean for checking for a upper case letter
boolean containsDigit = false; // Boolean for checking for a numberical digit
boolean containsSpecialChar = false; // Boolean for checking for special characters
Scanner stdIn = new Scanner(;
do // Loop until user enters a valid password
System.out.println("Password Verifier");
System.out.println("\nEnter a password that meets the following rules:\n" +
"\tIs atleast 8 characters long\n" +
"\tContains atleast 1 lower letter character\n" +
"\tContains atleast 1 upper letter character\n" +
"\tContains atleast 1 numberic digit\n" +
"\tContains atleast 1 special character from the set: !@#$%^&*\n" +
"\tDoes not contain the word \"and\" or the word \"end\"\n");
System.out.print("\nEnter your password: ");
String password = stdIn.nextLine();
for(int i = 0; i < password.length(); i++)
char ch = password.charAt(i);
// If the character is upper case
if(Character.isUpperCase(ch) && !containsUpperCaseLetter)
containsUpperCaseLetter = true;
// If the character is lower case
if(Character.isLowerCase(ch) && !containsLowerCaseLetter)
containsLowerCaseLetter = true;
// If the character is a digit
if(Character.isDigit(ch) && !containsDigit)
containsDigit = true;
// If the character is a special character
if ((ch == '!' || ch == '@' || ch == '#' || ch == '$' || ch == '%' || ch == '^' || ch == '&' || ch == '*') && !containsSpecialChar)
containsSpecialChar = true;
// Check to make sure the user input a password of at least 8 characters
if(password.length() < 8 )
invalidLength = true;
// Check to make sure the user input does not contain the restricted words
if(password.contains("and") || password.contains("end"))
containsRestrictedWord = true;
// Print out any possible rules the user might have broken
if(invalidLength || containsRestrictedWord || !containsDigit || !containsLowerCaseLetter || !containsUpperCaseLetter || !containsSpecialChar)
if(invalidLength) { System.out.println("Must be at least 8 characters long"); }
if(containsRestrictedWord) { System.out.println("Contains the string \"and\" or \"end\""); }
if(!containsDigit) { System.out.println("Must contain a numeric digit"); }
if(!containsLowerCaseLetter) { System.out.println("Does not contain at least one lowercase letter"); }
if(!containsUpperCaseLetter) { System.out.println("Does not contain at least one uppercase letter"); }
if(!containsSpecialChar) { System.out.println("Must contain a special character"); }
} while (invalidLength || containsRestrictedWord || !containsDigit || !containsLowerCaseLetter || !containsUpperCaseLetter || !containsSpecialChar);
} // End Main
} // End public class Pass