Hey everyone! Thanks for all the help before and now I have another problem. So I'm doing a clock program with three "invalid" attached files. There are zero errors but still won't run the program, any advice out there?

Oh sorry I'm in c++ and I have the main file (cpp) and I need to connect three separate files(.h) to the main file. I have zero errors in each file but refuses to run the program, I'm super stuck.

You need to post your code, or at least, a subset of it that reproduces the problem you have. We cannot help you if you don't provide sufficient information.

Ok its kinda long...

#ifndef H_invalidHr
#define H_invalidHr
#include "invalidMin.h"
#include "invalidSec.h"


using namespace std; 

class invalidHr
        message = "The value of hr must be between 0 and 12.";
    invalidHr(string str)
        message = str + "Invalid input.";
    string what()
        return message;
    string message;

#ifndef H_invalidMin
#define H_invalidMin


using namespace std;

class invalidMin
        message = "Enter minutes: ";
    invalidMin(string str)
        message = str + "Invalid input.";
    string what()
        return message;
    string message;

#ifndef H_invalidSec
#define H_invalidSec


using namespace std;

class invalidSec
        message = "Enter seconds: ";
    invalidSec(string str)
        message = str + "Invalid input.";
    string what()
        return message;
    string message;

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "invalidHr.h"
#include "invalidMin.h"
#include "invalidSec.h"

What I see here is three classes defined. One class named invalidMin, one named invalidHr and one named invalidSec.

I don't see any program to actually run, though. Where is your main function?

What are you trying to do?

Providing the spec's of the problem you were asked to solve
using classes
would help us to see what you are supposed to be doing.

I'm doing a clock program

What is your clock supposed to do in your program?

Another way to phrase it that might help to get things started ...

What is the input expected (as per the spec's) ?

What output is expected for that sample input ?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "invalidHr.h"
#include "invalidMin.h"
#include "invalidSec.h"

using namespace std; 

int getHours();
int getMinutes();
int getSeconds();
void print24HourTime(int hr, int min, int sec, string str);

int main ()
    int hours;
    int minutes;
    int seconds;

    string str;

    hours = getHours();
    minutes = getMinutes();
    seconds = getSeconds();

    cout << "Enter AM or PM: ";
    cin >> str;
    cout << endl;

    cout << "24 hour clock time: ";
    print24HourTime(hours, minutes, seconds, str);

    return 0;                                         

int getHours()
    bool done = false;                                
    int hr = 0;

            cout << "Enter hours: ";     
            cin >> hr;                           
            cout << endl;    

            if (hr < 0 || hr > 12)
                throw invalidHr();

            done = true;       
        catch (invalidHr hrObj)
            cout << hrObj.what() << endl;

    while (!done);       

    return hr;

int getMinutes()
    bool done = false;                                
    int min = 0;

            cout << "Enter minutes: ";     
            cin >> min;                           
            cout << endl;    

            if (min < 0 || min > 59)
                throw invalidMin();

            done = true;       
        catch (invalidMin minObj)
            cout << minObj.what() << endl;

    while (!done);       

    return min;

int getSeconds()
    bool done = false;                                
    int sec = 0;

            cout << "Enter seconds: ";     
            cin >> sec;                           
            cout << endl;    

            if (sec < 0 || sec > 59)
                throw invalidSec();

            done = true;       
        catch (invalidSec secObj)
            cout << secObj.what() << endl;

    while (!done);       

    return sec;

void print24HourTime(int hr, int min, int sec, string str)
    if (str == "AM")
        if (hr == 12)
            cout << 0;
            cout << hr;

        cout << ":" << min << ":" << sec << endl;
    else if (str == "PM")
        if (hr == 12)
            cout << hr;
            cout << hr + 12;

        cout << ":" << min << ":" << sec << endl;

Here's he main file. Is the header right?

You might like to see this edited logic for the 24 hour part ???

Note: if you added min and max values to the int takeIn function ...
then you would NOT need all the code in your exception classes
as all the error messages could be handled by the min.max bounds there
and the relevant errmsg passed.

// test_invalid_time.cpp //

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // re. setw, setfill
#include <string>
#include <cctype> // re. toupper

#include "invalidHr.h"
#include "invalidMin.h"
#include "invalidSec.h"

using namespace std;

int getHours();
int getMinutes();
int getSeconds();
void print24HourTime(int hr, int min, int sec, const string& );

// used here to take in valid numbers //
template < typename T >
T takeIn( const string& msg, const string& errmsg = "\nValid numbers only please ...\n\n" )
    T val;
    while( true )
        cout << msg << flush;
        if( cin >> val && cin.get() == '\n' )
            cout << errmsg;
            cin.clear(); // clear error flasgs
            cin.sync(); // 'flush' cin stream ...
    return val;

int takeInChr( const char* msg )
    cout << msg << flush;
    int c = cin.get();
    cin.sync(); // 'flush' cin stream
    return c;
bool more()
    int c = takeInChr( "More (y/n) ? " );
    if( c == 'n' || c == 'N' ) return false;
    // else ...
    return true;

int main ()
        string str;
        for( ; ; )
            // do this part firstly ...
            // so can see that following hr is AM/PM //
            cout << "Enter AM or PM: ";
            cin >> str;
            cin.sync(); // 'flush' cin stream

            if( str.size() == 2 )
                str[0] = toupper(str[0]);
                str[1] = toupper(str[1]);
                if( str == "AM" || str == "PM" ) break;
            //else ... if reach here ...
            cout << "\nAM/am or PM/pm only please ...\n\n";

        int hours =   getHours();
        int minutes = getMinutes();
        int seconds = getSeconds();

        cout << "24 hour clock time: ";
        print24HourTime(hours, minutes, seconds, str);
    while( more() );

int getHours()
    bool done = false;                                
    int hr = 0;

            hr = takeIn< int >( "Enter hours 0..12: " );

            if (hr < 0 || hr > 12)
                throw invalidHr();

            done = true;       
        catch (invalidHr hrObj)
            cout << hrObj.what() << endl;

    while (!done);       

    return hr;

int getMinutes()
    bool done = false;                                
    int min = 0;


            min = takeIn< int >( "Enter minutes 0..59: " );
            if (min < 0 || min > 59)
                throw invalidMin();

            done = true;       
        catch (invalidMin minObj)
            cout << minObj.what() << endl;

    while (!done);       

    return min;

int getSeconds()
    bool done = false;                                
    int sec = 0;

            sec = takeIn< int >( "Enter seconds 0..59: " );
            if (sec < 0 || sec > 59)
                throw invalidSec();

            done = true;       
        catch (invalidSec secObj)
            cout << secObj.what() << endl;

    while (!done);       

    return sec;

void print24HourTime(int hr, int min, int sec, const string& str)
    if (str == "AM")
        if (hr < 9 )
            cout << 0;

        cout << hr;

        cout << setfill( '0' ) << ":" << setw(2) << min
             << ":" << setw(2) << sec << endl;
    else // (str == "PM")
        hr += 12;

        if (hr == 24 )
            cout << "00";
            cout << hr;

        cout << setfill( '0' ) << ":" << setw(2) << min
             << ":" << setw(2) << sec << endl;

You also might like to see that using classes some times just adds code bloat.

Take a look (no classes) ...

// test_invalid_time_simple.cpp //

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // re. setw, setfill
#include <string>
#include <cctype> // re. toupper

using namespace std;

void print24HourTime(int hr, int min, int sec, const string& );

// used here to take in valid numbers //

int takeInInt( const string& msg, int min, int max,
               const string& errmsg = "\nIntegers only please ...\n\n" )
    int val;
    while( true )
        cout << msg << flush;
        if( cin >> val && cin.get() == '\n' )
            if( val >= min && val <= max ) break;
            //else ... if reach here ...
            cout << "Valid input range here is: " << min << ".." << max << "\n";
            cout << errmsg;
            cin.clear(); // clear error flasgs
            cin.sync(); // 'flush' cin stream ...
    return val;

int takeInChr( const char* msg )
    cout << msg << flush;
    int c = cin.get();
    cin.sync(); // 'flush' cin stream
    return c;
bool more()
    int c = takeInChr( "More (y/n) ? " );
    if( c == 'n' || c == 'N' ) return false;
    // else ...
    return true;

int main ()
        string str;
        for( ; ; )
            // do this part firstly ...
            // so can see that following hr is AM/PM //
            cout << "Enter AM or PM: ";
            cin >> str;
            cin.sync(); // 'flush; cin stream

            if( str.size() == 2 )
                str[0] = toupper(str[0]);
                str[1] = toupper(str[1]);
                if( str == "AM" || str == "PM" ) break;
            //else ... if reach here ...
            cout << "\nAM/am or PM/pm only please ...\n\n";

        int hours =   takeInInt( "Enter hours   0..12: ", 0, 12 );
        int minutes = takeInInt( "Enter minutes 0..59: ", 0, 59 );
        int seconds = takeInInt( "Enter seconds 0..59: ", 0, 59 );

        cout << "24 hour clock time: ";
        print24HourTime(hours, minutes, seconds, str);
    while( more() );

void print24HourTime(int hr, int min, int sec, const string& str)
    if (str == "AM")
        if (hr < 9 )
            cout << 0;

        cout << hr;

        cout << setfill( '0' ) << ":" << setw(2) << min
             << ":" << setw(2) << sec << endl;
    else // (str == "PM")
        hr += 12;

        if (hr == 24 )
            cout << "00";
            cout << hr;

        cout << setfill( '0' ) << ":" << setw(2) << min
             << ":" << setw(2) << sec << endl;

You don't know how much I appreciate and actually understood. You are amazing!!! Thank you so much!

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