
i am doing a database system in access and has certain function of creating and modifying an excel worksheet. i keep getting this "Run-time error '462' : Remote server machine doesn't exist or is unavailable" or sometimes "Run-time error '1004' : Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed"..
it points to this line


when i click on one of my command button
as well as

ActiveWorkbook.Close True

in a different command button.

here's the code for the function that is called when some1 clicks the command button

Dim checker(5) As String
Dim insertion As Integer
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("C:\Osman\ABP-FET Reference.xls")
insertion = 0
    MsgBox (insertion) 'i added this for trial runs only, to check if it
                                ' follows the correct sequence
    Set xlSht = xlBook.Worksheets("Wafer Sort")
    Set xlRng = xlSht.Cells((insertion * 4) + 7, 3)
    checker(1) = xlRng.Value
    Set xlRng = xlSht.Cells((insertion * 4) + 7, 4)
    checker(2) = xlRng.Value
    Set xlSht = xlBook.Worksheets("Assembly")
    Set xlRng = xlSht.Cells((insertion * 4) + 7, 3)
    checker(3) = xlRng.Value
    Set xlRng = xlSht.Cells((insertion * 4) + 7, 4)
    checker(4) = xlRng.Value
    insertion = insertion + 1
Loop Until checker(1) = "" And checker(2) = "" And checker(3) = "" And checker(4) = "" ' checking for empty cells
insertion = ((insertion - 1) * 4) + 7
MsgBox (insertion) 'trial run purposes, to check on which row product 
                             'will be added
DC = InputBox("Please insert D/C", "Add")
PN = InputBox("Please insert P/N", "Add")
Set xlSht = xlBook.Worksheets("Wafer Sort")
dummy = WaferSortAddProduct(insertion, DC, PN)
Set xlSht = xlBook.Worksheets("Assembly")
dummy = AssemblyAddProduct(insertion, DC, PN)
xlApp.Application.UserControl = True
xlApp.Application.Visible = True
ActiveWorkbook.Close True
xlApp.Application.Visible = False
Set xlRng = Nothing
Set xlSht = Nothing
Set xlBook = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing

OpenExcel function has the declarations for xlApp etc2..
the pointed error "Range(checker1).Select" exists in the functions "WaferSortAddProduct" and "AssemblyAddProduct", which i stored in a module, which btw, this function also exists in the same module... i use the range and select thing to modify the property of the cells, some merging, fonts, formula, borders and default values. i copy and modify it from excel recorded macros.

weird thing is, it works on the first run, then on the second run it gives the run time error, which then it works again on the third run and fails on the fourth run.. it goes on and on in that sequence..

also i can't seem to end the excel process.. i tried using all the codes that i could get my hands on but none of them actually ends the process.. after each try i have to manually end the process in task manager..

Set xlRng = Nothing
Set xlSht = Nothing
Set xlBook = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing

i'm getting really frustrated over this part.. i'd really appreciate any form of help/feedback.. thanks in advance


Hmn, I don't seem to get that error when I run your code on my box... I wasn't sure how your ABP-FET Reference.xls file looks, so I kind of guessed, and maybe that's the issue (probably, if it's a problem with a text range), but umn..... it seems to work for me....maybe you could attach both the .xls file and the .vbs file in a .zip file.

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