Plz anyone help me ....

I created the database in access with fields type is date/time and text...
But I try to get the value from datetimepicker and combobox..
My struggling code was

cmd=new oledbcommand(insert into sample (doj,designation)values(" & datetimepicker1.value &","&combobox1.text&")",con)

note:- database connection is successfull!...

To clarify my previous post, convert the DateTimePicker value using format as in my previous post.

Also, you date should be enclosed in # characters and your text in ' characters, so INSERT INTO SAMPLE (DOJ,DESIGNATION)VALUES(#" & DATETIMEPICKER1.VALUE &"#,'"&COMBOBOX1.TEXT&"')"

Or better yet, use parameterised queries:

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", YourDatePicker)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", YourComboBox)


to avoid the need to enclose field values in special characters and to avoid potential SQL injection attacks.

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