I am trying to explore PoDoFo for parsing PDF files. So I tried to build it on Visual studio following the procedure in the ReadMe.html that came with the package.
So i used the following cmake command:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 9 2008" -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH="D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\ft245\freetype-2.4.5\include;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\libjpeg\build\include;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\libjpeg\build;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\zlib\build\include" -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH="D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\ft245\freetype-2.4.5\objs\win32\vc2013;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\libjpeg\build\lib;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\libjpeg\build;D:\PoDoFo_VS\CmakeRefer\zlib\build\lib" -DPODOFO_BUILD_SHARED:BOOL=FALSE -DFREETYPE_LIBRARY_NAMES_DEBUG=freetype245MT_D -DFREETYPE_LIBRARY_NAMES_RELEASE=freetype245MT ..
I got the build files as the readme said. I build the entire solution but it gives me a bunch of errors. One error that worries me is this:
Error 27 error LNK1104: cannot open file 'podofo.lib' D:\Podofo_for_VS\podofo\build_vs\test\CreationTest\LINK CreationTest
I am trying to get the lib file of podofo in the process of building the same.
Can someone tell me what is going wrong here, or what i might have done wrong in the process.