#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

const int MAX_SIZE = 60;

void discard_line(ifstream &in);
void print_student_records(structarray[], double scmarks[], double sfmarks[], int size) ;

int main()
    string id[MAX_SIZE];
    double cmarks[MAX_SIZE];
    double fmarks[MAX_SIZE];
    //char grade[MAX_SIZE];
    int choice;
    char response;

    int total_records;

    ifstream infile;
    cout << "This program shows student's grade."<< endl;


    //check for error
        cerr<<"Error opening file" << endl;
        system ("PAUSE");


    total_records = 0;

    while(infile>>id[total_records]>>cmarks[total_records] >> fmarks[total_records])


    system ("PAUSE");

    return 0;

void print_student_records(string sID[], double scmarks[], double sfmarks[], int size)
    cout<<"\n\nstudentID\tcoursework\tFinal exam"<<endl<<endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)



void discard_line(ifstream &in)
    char c;

    while (c!='\n');

how can i store data in a array of struct. i am confuse because i don't know how to use it in function??


You don't have any structs. Are you trying to sort parallel arrays?

From what the OP is saying, I expect what they want is to replace

string id[MAX_SIZE];
double cmarks[MAX_SIZE];
double fmarks[MAX_SIZE];

with something like this:

struct student_grade
    string id;
    double cmarks;
    double fmarks;

student_grade students[MAX_SIZE];

This is sensible; not only does it structure the data better, it makes it feasible to sort the structs as a unit, keeping the data for each student together.

I think what they wanted to know is how to access the elements of the array of structs. Fortunately, this is quite easy:

students[this_record_index].id = "d3203032sd1";
students[this_record_index].cmarks = 82.3;
students[this_record_index].fmarks = 73.7;

Simple! I will however, give you a piece of advice: if at all possible, use a std::vector<> instead of a fixed array whenever there is any question of how large the array might have to become.

std::vector<student_grade> students;
student_grade* student;

while (infile.good() && !infile.eof())
    student = new student_grade();
    infile >> student.id >> student.cmarks >> student.fmarks;
    if (infile.error())

The std::vector<> template is more efficient memory-wise, and avoids the possibility of overrunning the array.

commented: Great advice! +15

ok thanks for the reply...

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