I am trying to calculate a cable bill for a residential and business customer can someone point me in the right direction for my logic?For residential customers it is 4.50 processing fee,30 basic service fee and 5 per channel. For business customers processing fee = 16.50 basicservice fee is 80 for the first 10 connections if connections greater than 10 then its 4 for each additional and 50 per channel when I hit calculate no matter how many connections or channels I choose for each category it gives me the same output which means my logic must be wrong can anyone make a suggestion?
Option Strict On
Public Class Main
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
If Data_Validated_ok() = False Then Exit Sub
Dim premiumChannels As Integer = lstPremium.SelectedIndex
Dim Connections As Integer = lstConnections.SelectedIndex
Dim totalDue As Decimal
If radResidential.Checked Then
totalDue = CalcResidentialTotalDue(premiumChannels)
lblTotal.Text = totalDue.ToString("C2")
End If
If radBusiness.Checked Then
totalDue = CalcBusinesssTotalDue(premiumChannels, Connections)
lblTotal.Text = totalDue.ToString("C2")
End If
End Sub
' make a function to calculate residential customers
Private Function CalcResidentialTotalDue(ByVal premiumChannels As Decimal) As Decimal
Const ResidentialProcessing As Decimal = 4.5D
Const ResidentialBasic As Integer = 30
Const ResidentialPremium As Integer = 5
Return ResidentialProcessing + ResidentialBasic + ResidentialPremium * premiumChannels
End Function
' make a function to calculate business customers
Private Function CalcBusinesssTotalDue(ByVal premiumChannels As Decimal, ByVal connections As Decimal
) As Decimal
Const BusinessProcessing As Decimal = CDec(16.5)
Const BusinessServiceFee As Integer = 80
Const BusinessPremiumchannelsCharge As Integer = 50
Return BusinessProcessing + BusinessServiceFee + BusinessPremiumchannelsCharge * premiumChannels
End Function