here I am again, I am currently stuck on round 1 and I have two week to build this game, and I am from there, 

system.out.println(hello, p2 what is your name)
p2name =;
system.out.println(now tell me love, what is your age p2);
p2age = dashin.nextInt();

if(age < 4 || age >10)
system.out.println(eeeek wrong age, you are too young for this game)
system.out.println(come on, lets play this game)

system.out.println(hello, p1 what is your name)
p1name =;
system.out.println(now tell me love, what is your age p1);
p1age = dashin.nextInt();

if(age > 5 || age >10)
system.out.println(bleep you are too old for this game)
system.out.println(come on, lets play this game)

does anyone know of a loop that could be repeated so that the players can enter the correct age.
I need to created a loop so that when, let say if player one enter the wrong age it can loop back to the started where they can reenter the correct age.

anxiously await a reply

and how do you generate random number that could keep generating random numbers so that the players could answer the questions so if the players answer the question wrong, it can automically go to the other players, the player have three tries to get it right but if the players got three wrong the game is forfeited and my game also need a count so that it can keep track of the question asked, how do i do that

any help would be greatly appreciated. thank in advance

"does anyone know of a loop that could be repeated so that the players can enter the correct age.
I need to created a loop so that when, let say if player one enter the wrong age it can loop back to the started where they can reenter the correct age."

I already answered this in your previous topic. Asking the same question twice is a waste of everybody's time. Just read your previous thread.

not to mention the fact that you should learn to write compilable code, before trying to implement algorithms.

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