from MSDN:
"An application returns zero if it processes this message."
see these code on my label control:

case WM_PAINT:
                PAINTSTRUCT test;
                BeginPaint(inst->hwnd, &test);
                image imglabel(inst->imgtest.width(),inst->imgtest.height());
                brush brshbackcolor(inst->clrBackColor);
                brush brshTransparent;
                    DrawHICONtoHDC(imglabel, inst->imgtest);
                pen penColor(1,2,RGB(0,255,0));
                pen penColor2(1,2,RGB(255,0,0));
                pen penColor3(1,2,RGB(0,0,255));
                    DrawEdge(imglabel, &test.rcPaint,BDR_SUNKENINNER | BDR_RAISEDOUTER,BF_RECT);
                     //destroy the region

                    //draw the image transparent
                    TransparentBlt(test.hdc,0,0,test.rcPaint.right,test.rcPaint.bottom,imglabel,0,0, test.rcPaint.right ,test.rcPaint.bottom, inst->clrBackColor);

                    //Create and set them region
                    inst->LabelRegion=RegionbyBitmap(imglabel, inst->clrBackColor);
                EndPaint(inst->hwnd, &test);
                return 0;

some code can be confused, but like you see, i return 0.
but the ToolTip is blocked :(
if i put the label hidded, the ToolTip is showed. seems that i have here a problem. can anyone advice me?

if i take off the Region code, the ToolTip is showed:

BYTE* Get24BitPixels(HBITMAP pBitmap, WORD *pwWidth, WORD *pwHeight)
  // a bitmap object just to get bitmap width and height
    BITMAP bmpBmp;

  // pointer to original bitmap info
    LPBITMAPINFO pbmiInfo;

  // bitmap info will hold the new 24bit bitmap info

  // width and height of the bitmap
  WORD wBmpWidth, wBmpHeight;

  // ---------------------------------------------------------
  // get some info from the bitmap
  // ---------------------------------------------------------
    GetObject(pBitmap, sizeof(bmpBmp),&bmpBmp);
  pbmiInfo   = (LPBITMAPINFO)&bmpBmp;

  // get width and height
    wBmpWidth  = (WORD)pbmiInfo->bmiHeader.biWidth;
    wBmpWidth -= (wBmpWidth%4);                       // width is 4 byte boundary aligned.
    wBmpHeight = (WORD)pbmiInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight;

  // copy to caller width and height parms
  *pwWidth  = wBmpWidth;
  *pwHeight = wBmpHeight;
  // ---------------------------------------------------------

    // allocate width * height * 24bits pixels
  BYTE *pPixels = new BYTE[wBmpWidth*wBmpHeight*3];
    if (!pPixels) return NULL;

  // get user desktop device context to get pixels from
    HDC hDC = GetWindowDC(NULL);

  // fill desired structure
    bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
    bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biWidth = wBmpWidth;
    bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biHeight = -wBmpHeight;
    bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
    bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
    bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
    bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage = wBmpWidth*wBmpHeight*3;
    bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
    bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
    bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0;
    bmiInfo.bmiHeader.biClrImportant = 0;

  // get pixels from the original bitmap converted to 24bits
  int iRes = GetDIBits(hDC,pBitmap,0,wBmpHeight,(LPVOID)pPixels,&bmiInfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS);

  // release the device context

  // if failed, cancel the operation.
    if (!iRes)
    delete[] pPixels;
    return NULL;

  // return the pixel array
    return pPixels;

HRGN RegionbyBitmap(HBITMAP pBitmap,COLORREF clrTransparent=-1 )
    BYTE jTranspR = GetRValue(clrTransparent), jTranspG=GetGValue(clrTransparent), jTranspB=GetBValue(clrTransparent);
  // bitmap width and height
  WORD wBmpWidth,wBmpHeight;

  // the final region and a temporary region
  HRGN hRgn, hTmpRgn;

  // 24bit pixels from the bitmap
  BYTE *pPixels = Get24BitPixels(pBitmap, &wBmpWidth, &wBmpHeight);
  if (!pPixels) return NULL;

  // create our working region
  hRgn = CreateRectRgn(0,0,wBmpWidth,wBmpHeight);
  if (!hRgn) { delete[] pPixels; return NULL; }

  // ---------------------------------------------------------
  // scan the bitmap
  // ---------------------------------------------------------

  DWORD p=0;
  for (WORD y=0; y<wBmpHeight; y++)
    for (WORD x=0; x<wBmpWidth; x++)
      BYTE jRed   = pPixels[p+2];
      BYTE jGreen = pPixels[p+1];
      BYTE jBlue  = pPixels[p+0];

      if ((jRed == jTranspR && jGreen == jTranspG && jBlue == jTranspB))
        // remove transparent color from region
        hTmpRgn = CreateRectRgn(x,y,x+1,y+1);
        CombineRgn(hRgn, hRgn, hTmpRgn, RGN_XOR);


      // next pixel

  // release pixels
  delete[] pPixels;

  return hRgn;

so these 2 functions have some memory leaks... can anyone help me find them?

Hi Everyone I would like to ask if anyone could help in my project of WinMain function to get my backgrouond and text colors to change.

WndClass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_BACKGROUND);//Replaced COLOR_WINDOW+1

Typically I know there are differences in types of mains that can be used in C++ WinMain WINAPI etc... But I'm a dummy to figuring if the WNDCLASS Function has other ways to get colors to the GUI Console In The Window to change. Or a parameter that is added in at the end (HBRUSH)COLOR_WINDOW. Thanks

I have my code attached for those that are interested in reviewing. Any suggestions are welcome, I love learning new things.

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