this applies to 3D vertex coordinates
if I was planing to lower the quality and byte size to a bu16, bs16, bu8, or bs8 mantissa,
how would I calculate the exponent I'd need to restore them when the data is needed??
some help understanding, here's the code that reads the data I'm trying to modify and export:
def DataType(DT,exponent):
if DT==0: return bu8()/pow(2.0,exponent) # 8bit unsigned pseudo-float
if DT==1: return bs8()/pow(2.0,exponent) # 8bit signed pseudo-float
if DT==2: return bu16()/pow(2.0,exponent) # 16bit unsigned pseudo-float
if DT==3: return bs16()/pow(2.0,exponent) # 16bit signed pseudo-float
if DT==4: return bf32() #32bit float