I am working on a program and I almost have it working the way I want except for two problems. The first is major; I can not for the life of me get my answer for the population to equal anything but zero. I have a feeling this is due to my combo box selection but Im not positive and Im not sure how to fix it. My second problem is with my combo boxes I can select a number and have something pop up in the list box but if I type in and enter my own number into the combo box nothing appears in my list box.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
Dim GrowthRate As Integer
Dim NumDays As Integer
Dim population As Integer
Dim DailyPercent As Integer
DailyPercent = CBool(txtAveDailyInc.Text)
GrowthRate = 1 * (DailyPercent / 100)
NumDays = CInt(cboDaysToMultiply.SelectedItem)
Dim Day As Integer = 1
For Day = 1 To NumDays
population = GrowthRate * Day
lstFinalData.Items.Add("end of day " & Day & " population is " & population)
End Sub
End Class