I wish to print invoice using printer.print method ( using USB dot matrix printer in continous paper)
Some invoice contain 6 lines, some 15 lines. Now afer printing 5 lines printer ejectng paper. so paper waster ( paper width 5 inches, continous paper). I wish to top printing after printing invoice without ejecting paper.
i am using
property but no use ? please suggest me to overcome the problem

This is most challanging to a developer to control a printer properly. To do it you must have to calculate the cursor position with page height to feed next page and print properly. This is most tedious job. You can use Crystal Report which can solve your problems most effectively.

Thanks for reply, I am facing same problem in crstal report 8.5. How can fix paper height in continous stationery . ( paper width 5 inches , Continous staioner -roll paper). some invoice may 5 to 7 lines , some invoice may contain 10 to 20 lines. In this situation how can set paper size in crystal report 8.5 ?

Which type of printer you are using ?
only dot matrix printer can support roll paper. If you use TVS then it has a paper size of 8" X 6" i.e. 8" width and 6" height. but epson has no paper size like this. In XP there was an option to set custom paper size but in win 7 or above it omits.

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