i am wrking on a project which is supposed to count packets that are sent and recieved in a LAN environment........i want help ragarding this....can anyone give ma a java code for counting packets in a network...

Is ths a Ethernet or Token Ring network?

it is the Ethernet......can anyone provide me the complete code plzz ...

i have tried tp work with JPCAP ....but cant understand a thing ....do u know how to use it???

thancs but the link is not opening .........if not the whole code at least can some one gimme some helping material

import java.net.*;

what is this my friend ??? it has nothing to do with my requirements

I think what jwenting is hinting at.... is do some work and effort. Then maybe we will show some more enthusiasm in helping you.

what is this my friend ??? it has nothing to do with my requirements

And yes it does have to do with your requirements, since you will not be able to do anything in the network without this package. He is simple not just handing you a finished product that you can copy without doing anything yourself.

yeah thancs guys ........but u know i have tried a quite a lot ....i ve tried to wrok with SOCKETS as well ......but i am not getting to some point ......

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