I'm trying to write a program in C# that downloads a file from my DropBox account but I keep getting an error with var task = Task.Run((Func<Task>)Download("", "largetest.mpk", folderName));
The error: Cannot convert type 'System.Threading.Tasks.Task' to 'System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task>
I've been trying to figure it out for multiple hours and haven't had any luck. Any suggestions?
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string folderName = @"c:\dropboxTest\test.exe";
var task = Task.Run((Func<Task>)Download("", "largetest.mpk", folderName));
async Task Download(string folder, string targetfile, string localPath)
var dbx = new DropboxClient(Form1.api);
var response = await dbx.Files.DownloadAsync(folder + "/" + targetfile);
ulong fileSize = response.Response.Size;
const int bufferSize = 1024 * 1024;
var buffer = new byte[bufferSize];
string folderName = @"C:\dropboxTest\teasdfst.exe";
using (var stream = await response.GetContentAsStreamAsync())
using (var localfile = new FileStream(folderName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
var length = stream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);
while (length > 0)
localfile.Write(buffer, 0, length);
// Console.WriteLine(localfile.);
var percentage = 100 * (ulong)localfile.Length / fileSize;
// Update progress bar with the percentage.
// progressBar.Value = (int)percentage
length = stream.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize);