I have been searching for freelance software developer on different websites for a while but failed to find him for the software I need. Been studying and researching a lot how could i come as close as possible to the solution i am looking for: what needs to be done is changes tracking (monitoring) of graphical widgets (Embed code) that contains speedometers. Similar to the one(s) behind the steering wheel in a car. Each speedometer contains different circular areas and what I want is to track (and get screen pop up alerts) when it graphically travels from one to another circular area. Of course i would want to request where is starting area and where is destination area. If destination area is reached then alert should occur. There are around 500 different Embed Codes (speedometers) to be tracked. Each approximately once per 15 minutes but it would be great if i can define this ''check time'' manually. In order to present my question better, I will use an example:
Lets say I have speedometer on the following website (e.g. one of around 500 different speedometers to be tracked):
The widget's Embed Code is here:
but unfortunately it doesn't seem to contain anything about speedometer's pointer (arrow) dynamic status.
I am wondering if there is any software or any custom solution (ideally service developer to whom i would pay to develop this for me) where would I track the changes in pointer's traveling? I define the condition which must happen in order for alert to occur. E.g. movement from ''Sell'' to ''Buy'' circular area. Or even better: particular pieces of each circular area so from one piece of one circular area to another piece of another circular area?
Is there any such tool, programming solution, freelancer to be hired (i already tried freelance websites!) that could do what i want?
Thank you a MILLION time in advance, your reply would be highly appreciated.