Dear all
I am working on a project for my customer .
I wrote code to search items from sql using
Now my code working fine.....when I search data using itemid it show me data in all related textboxes but not in datagrid
here my code
Dim connection As New SqlConnection("Server= DESKTOP-QN6F623; Database = dbo_main; Integrated Security = true")
Dim command As New SqlCommand("select * from items where itemnumber=@itemnumber", connection)
command.Parameters.Add("@itemnumber", SqlDbType.Int).Value = ItemnumberTextBox.Text
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter(command)
Dim table As New DataTable()
ItemnameTextBox.Text = ""
If table.Rows.Count() > 0 Then
' return only 1 row
ItemnameTextBox.Text = table.Rows(0)(1).ToString()
ItembarcodeTextBox.Text = table.Rows(0)(2).ToString()
ItemnameTextBox.Text = table.Rows(0)(3).ToString()
ItemdescriptionTextBox.Text = table.Rows(0)(4).ToString()
ItemcolorTextBox.Text = table.Rows(0)(5).ToString()
ItemsizeTextBox.Text = table.Rows(0)(6).ToString()
ItemmaterialComboBox.Text = table.Rows(0)(7).ToString()
ItemavailablestockTextBox.Text = table.Rows(0)(8).ToString()
ItempricesTextBox.Text = table.Rows(0)(9).ToString()
ItemsuppliersTextBox.Text = table.Rows(0)(10).ToString()
ItembrandnameComboBox.Text = table.Rows(0)(12).ToString()
ItemlocationComboBox.Text = table.Rows(0)(13).ToString()
MessageBox.Show("NO Data Found")
End If
I only want to show searched data in textboxes as well as in datagrid with high lighted....
please guide
thanks in advance