Hi, I have the program, which is a traffic simulation, and I have a few linked lists in it. I'd like to ask you what is the easiest way to check if I don't have duplicats in them? The code which runs it looks like that:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Simulation s = new Simulation();
s.addRoad(Road.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 50, 5,3);
s.addRoad(Road.Orientation.HORIZONTAL, 500,1,4);
s.addRoad(Road.Orientation.VERTICAL, 100,3,2);
s.addRoad(Road.Orientation.VERTICAL, 600,2,3);
s.addRoad(Direction.DOWN, 1,300, 2,3);
s.addRoad(Direction.RIGHT, 3 ,340,1,2);
s.addRoad(Direction.LEFT,2, 400,1,2);
Simulation extenst Thread, so first I build road system, then add intersection (if there is a T shape intersection between roads, the intersection is being created automatically, if it is + shape, I can add it or not), and I thought I would have to run something like that in @Before function for few seconds, and then run tests on LinekdLists - but how to do it to work?. And secondly is that a good idea to make a @Test function and do through LinkedList with Iterator checking with assertSame if two elements are the same object?