I am developing an app that monitors and corrects the user input based on some rules.
I am reading the events from keyboard with the keyboard python module.
I faced some problem when the user types very fast, as regards some overlays of text. By this I mean that when my app writes the correct input, the user continues writing and may writes before the corrector types the whole word.
I found, that I can start a keyboard hook with suppressed output to screen and tried to implements a solution.
In the above code I tried recreating the problem and tried giving the general idea.
import keyboard
from collections import deque
string : str = ""
counter : int = 0
is_suppressed: bool = False # this indicates if letters are shown in the window or not
suppressed_string: str = ""
q = deque() # this is used as a buffer, and stores the words that are entered when the
# program is correcting
def keyboard_module_write_to_screen(is_suppressed, string):
for i in range(len(string) + 1):
print("--Pressing backspace--")
for i, char in enumerate (string): # simulating a calculation
final_char_to_be_written = char.upper()
print("---WRITING THE CHAR -> {} ---".format(final_char_to_be_written))
for i in range(30):
keyboard.write(' ')
def monitoring(event):
global counter, string, is_suppressed, suppressed_string
if (event.event_type == keyboard.KEY_DOWN): # and event.name != 'backspace'):
print("-String entered : {}".format(event.name))
if (event.name == 'space'):
# if space is button a new word is entered
if (is_suppressed is True):
# if program occupied writing to the screen save the word to the buffer
suppressed_string = ""
elif (is_suppressed is False):
# check and write first from the deque,
# write the word(s) that were stored in the buffer before writing current
# input string
# haven't find a way to do the above alongside the others
keyboard.hook(monitoring, suppress = True)
is_suppressed = True
keyboard_module_write_to_screen(is_suppressed, string)
keyboard.hook(monitoring, suppress = False)
is_suppressed = False
counter = 0
string = ""
elif (event.name in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") :
if (is_suppressed is True):
suppressed_string = ''.join([suppressed_string, event.name])
print("########## SUPPRESSED_STRING = {} #########".format(suppressed_string))
counter = counter + 1
print("-- COUNTER is : {}".format(counter))
string = ''.join([string, event.name])
elif (event.name == "]"):
elif (event.name == 'backspace'):
keyboard.hook(monitoring, suppress = False)
The main thing I want to achieve is
1)while correcting - writing to the window, read events and save them to a buffer
2)when correcting - writing is done check the buffer, write it's content, but keep reading events
3)if buffer empty and currently not writing something, read events etc.
I didn't manage to make it work and produce the desired result.
Any advice on how to make it work, would be useful.
Thanks in advance for any help.