I have a procedure which I have pasted below. I am using the VBe Enterprise environment and all test machines are Windows XP Pro SP2 with the latest hotfixes. On my machine (the one with the dev env) I have no issues running the application I have written. The machine is a Sony Vaio.
I have tested it on a Dell Dimension 3100 and it runs there also.
When I try it on another Sony Vaio and also on a couple of other laptops, all of the same XP PRo SP2, I get Error #5.
The line in question is: 470 BigString$ = Left(BigString$, Len(BigString$) - 1)
It is always this line. If I move it the error moves.
The routine essentially scans through a INF file and retrieves drivers that are used on the PC.
I have read elsewhere in newsgroups that adding DoEvents solves this. But not for me. I have also tried altering the line to use MID, but that also does not work.
Can someone please help, as I cannot move to .Net due to the fact that users will be foced to install .NET framework just for this app and a lot of them refuse as it is a live network.
Function ReadINF(fname As String, InfSec As String)
Dim LineFromFile$, cfSTR$, cfPOS As Variant, cfTRIM$
Dim INF$() ' Load the INF File into this array
Dim cfCOMPS$() 'define cf components array
Dim CompFiles$() ' This is the array that will hold the actual file names
Dim cnt, cnt2
Dim j As Variant, i As Variant, k As Variant, L As Variant, M As Variant
Dim InfSecPos As String, ktemp As String
Dim foundFlag As Boolean, FirstTimeFind As Boolean
Dim BigString$ ' Used to make up a delimited String to populate an array to avoid ERR 9
Dim eqPOS ' Position of Equals sign in CopyFiles String
Dim LBoundOfArray, UBoundOfArray, ArrayCounter
10 On Error GoTo ReadINF_Error
20 foundFlag = False
30 FirstTimeFind = False
' Attach the []
40 InfSec = "[" + InfSec + "]"
' Set up the filesystem object
50 fname = Environ$("WINDIR") + "\inf\" + fname
60 Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
70 Set A = fs.OpenTextFile(fname, 1, 0)
' Read the inf file in and start process of query
80 cnt = 1
90 While Not A.AtEndOfStream
100 ReDim Preserve INF(cnt) As String
110 INF(cnt) = A.ReadLine
120 cnt = cnt + 1
130 DoEvents
140 Wend
150 A.Close
' First find the section
160 cfSTR$ = ""
170 For Each j In INF
180 If (InStr(1, j, InfSec, 1) = 1) And (foundFlag = False) Then foundFlag = True
190 If (foundFlag = True) And j = "" Then GoTo FoundEndOfSection
200 If (foundFlag = True) And (Mid(j, 1, 9) = "CopyFiles") Then
210 cfSTR = j
220 GoTo FoundEndOfSection
230 End If
240 Next
' Trim the "CopyFiles = " away
250 eqPOS = InStr(1, cfSTR, "=", vbTextCompare)
260 cfTRIM$ = Mid$(cfSTR, eqPOS + 1)
'Parse cfSTR into the individual components
270 cfCOMPS$() = Split(cfTRIM$, ",", -1)
' ******************************************************
' Now find each section at a time and copy the files
280 foundFlag = False
290 cnt2 = 1
300 For Each k In cfCOMPS
310 BigString$ = ""
320 ktemp = k
330 ktemp = Mid(ktemp, 2)
340 InfSec = "[" + ktemp + "]"
350 LBoundOfArray = LBound(INF)
360 UBoundOfArray = UBound(INF)
370 ArrayCounter = 0
380 For Each L In INF
' Form1.Print (L)
390 If (InStr(1, L, InfSec, 1) = 1) And (foundFlag = False) Then foundFlag = True
400 If (foundFlag = True) And L = "" Then Exit For
410 If (foundFlag = True) And L <> "" Then
420 If L <> InfSec Then
430 BigString$ = BigString$ + L + ","
440 End If
450 End If
460 Next
' Finished scanning that aection - now remove trailing comma
470 BigString$ = Left(BigString$, Len(BigString$) - 1)
480 If foundFlag = True Then
490 DoEvents
' BigString$ = Mid(BigString$, 1, Len(BigString) - 1)
500 foundFlag = False
' Now pass BigString$ to the FileCopier.
' Form1.Print (BigString$)
510 CopyDrivers regroot$, BigString$
520 End If
530 Next
540 On Error GoTo 0
550 Exit Function
560 MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " at line:" & Erl & vbCrLf & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure ReadINF of Form Form1"
End Function
In Anticipation