I need a suggestion for learning Java programming in a best and easiest way.

Recognise that best AND easy doesn't exist.

Oracle's own tutorials are (IMHO) the best - start here

As for easy - there are loads of beginner tutorials on the web - mostly out of date and often downright wrong - but OK if you just want a warm fuzzy hand-holding kind of intro.

Once you get past the "hello world" stage you need to think about what aspects of Java are more important to you - desktop GUI, database, web server etc. The whole of Java takes a lifetime to learn, so you'll need to focus.

I should admit that java isn't easy and has a lot of pitfalls.
I'm not sure that one can become the pro coder really fast. It takes time and efforts (sometimes a lot of efforts).
Good source for online learning is https://codegym.cc/ due to my brother's suggestions. He is into learning java as you.

If you already know how to program well in another language then learning to program in java should be "easier". However, learning any new skill takes time and effort in spite of all the "Learn X in 21 days" books available. If you don't already know how to program then it becomes exponentially more difficult. You probably couldn't learn to play the piano (certainly not anything even moderately difficult) in a short time. Don't expect programming to be any different.

They say practice makes perfect. In my experience it is even more true that malpractice makes malperfect. Unless you first learn the basics of good design you will likely develop bad habits that will just get reinforced the more you code. Learn the basics before you try anything major.

A few starting tips

  1. Always strive to write clear code. Obvious is always better than complex, even if complex is a little more efficient.
  2. Include comments that say what the code does, not how it does it.
  3. Write code with the assumption that the person who will maintain it is a psychopath who knows where you live.
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