
I have a Activex exe, that makes use of multi threading. I have two PCs. A and B. When I run the program on A ( both in debug and compiled exe) it executes fine. I then created a package, installed it on PC B and the exe ran fine.

I did an upgrade on PC A, uninstalled it on B , copied and reinstalled on B, and now I cannot get the exe to work on B. If I run it in Debug mode on B it works fine.

I fails on the definition of the multi-thread class. Its properties are

DataBindingBehaviour = 0 vbNone
Instancing = 5 MultiUse
Persistance = 0 NotPersistable

The class consists of

Sub cProcessCD(Optr As Long, MainFormHandle As Long, wSource As String)
  Dim Frm As New frmProcessCD
  Load Frm
  Frm.lblSource.Caption = wSource
  Set Frm = Nothing
End Sub

Any help would be welcome


Are you sure it is properly registered in the registry?

Are you sure it is properly registered in the registry?


Thanks for the response. I have tried installing it on a different PC. I works no problem. I am currently re-installing windows XP on the PC that is giving me the problem. I did this because I suspected the registry was corrupted.


Cool, let me know if that fixes the problem...

Cool, let me know if that fixes the problem...


Everything seems to be ok on thenew PC, except I occasionally get a Run-time error '-2147287010 (8003001e)': Automation error. A disk error during read operation. This happens just as I try to creat my class. I cant seem to determine what is the cause as it does not happen all the time and is cured usually with a reboot.


Hmn, that seems pretty strange.

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