Hello guys,
I am taking the MIPS assembly course this semester. indeed, I am struggling with this course. any way i need ur help ..
My guestion is how to make the output appears right justified and how to connect the previous functions to the new function which is the right justification one.. plzzzz guys helpme out and clue me in..
I did the following code ... if it needs some corrections just tell how to correct and where ....
buffer: .space 13
li $t5, 12
li $t6, 10
add $a1, $a1, 12
sb $0, 0($a1)
move $a2, $a0
addiu $a1, $a1, -1
bnez $a0, loop
li $v0, 5
div $a0,$t6
mflo $a0
mfhi $t4
addi $t4, $t4, 48
sb $t4, 0($a0)
addiu $a1, $a1, -1
addiu $t5, $t5, -1
bnez $t5, loop2
li $t2, 0x20
addiu $t5, $t5, -1
sb $t2, 0($a1)
addiu $a1, $a1, -1
li $v0, 8
la $a0, buffer
li $a1, 13