:o When I start the program it just spits out a continuous line of numbers; Can anyone give me any suggestions, OR better yet, just tell me how so I can start my Thanksgiving break early? :o

/* Program Description: The program will read a file named Scores.dat, and
will show the scores of a student and their average
Author: Eric Martin
Date: 24 November 2004 */

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main () {
// Declare
    ifstream InFile;
	int NumScores;
	int Weights [5];
	int Scores;
	int TotalScore;
	int StudentName;
	float AverageScore;
// Initialize
// Solve
	// Get Number of score
		InFile >> NumScores;
	// Get wight of scores
		for (int I = 0; I < NumScores; I++){
			InFile >> Weights [I];}
	// Get student name and scores
		while (!InFile.eof()){ InFile >> StudentName;
		TotalScore = 0;
		for (I = 0; I << NumScores; I++) {InFile >> Scores;
	// Apply weights and compute final scores
		TotalScore = TotalScore + Scores * Weights [I];}
	// Figure out letter grade
		AverageScore = (float) TotalScore / 100;
		cout << StudentName << ' ' << AverageScore << endl;}
	// Wrapup and close
		cout << endl;
		return 0;

I'm not real sure where to indent.. How does this look?

/* Program Description: The program will read a file named Scores.dat, and
will show the scores of a student and their average
Author: Eric Martin
Date: 24 November 2004 */

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main () {
// Declare
ifstream InFile;
int NumScores;
int Weights [5];
int Scores;
int TotalScore;
int StudentName;
float AverageScore;

// Initialize

// Solve
// Get Number of score
InFile >> NumScores;
// Get wight of scores
for (int I = 0; I < NumScores; I++){
InFile >> Weights ;}
// Get student name and scores
while (InFile >> StudentName){
TotalScore = 0;
for (I = 0; I << NumScores; I++) {InFile >> Scores;
// Apply weights and compute final scores
TotalScore = TotalScore + Scores * Weights ;}
// Figure out Average
AverageScore = (float) TotalScore / 100;
cout << StudentName << ' ' << AverageScore << endl;}

// Wrapup and close
cout << endl;
return 0;

I << NumScores?????

And its better if u let us know how the data in the file are arranged.

it's also better to use a descriptive topic and not demand instant attention as that's extremely rude.

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