I have to write the following program and have no idea where to start. This is a binary file/image
1) Open an old file
2) Read until byte 56
3) Read the next 8 bytes to obtain the entire 9 digit cart frame
4) Keep reading byes until the HEX combination 49 49 2a 00 (HEX) is found.
5) When 49 49 2a 00 is found start writing an output file containing the bytes starting with 49 49 2a 00 For the output file use the cart-frame as the name of the file PLUS a number at the end to denote page number.
6) Keep reading and writing bytes to the output file UNTIL you reach end of file or you reach another 49 49 2a 00
7) If you hit another 49 49 2a 00 you will want to close the prior output file and open another output file. Increase the page number in the file name to denote the next page.
8) Repeat to process each old record
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to write this?