Hello, I'm a begginer at this asm code stuff and I've had to write a couple of simple and basic begginers programs. Well the one that I have to do now has to have an output that looks like this:
and it must be a nested loop meaning a loop inside of a loop.
In this program we have to use a counter, line feed, carriage return, and nested loop. My teacher said that there should be two counters. I'm trying but every time my output looks like:
or it looks like
Can someone please tell me what the heck I'm doing wrong????!!!! PLEASE ASAP :confused: :sad:
This is my code:
org 100h
mov bl,0
L1: mov al,'*'
mov ah,0eh ;prints to screen
int 10h
mov al,10 ;line feed
mov ah,0eh
int 10h
inc bl ;counter
cmp bl,5
jne L1
mov al,13 ;carriage return
mov ah,0eh
int 10h
mov bl,0
inc bl
cmp bl,5
jne L1