#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
const int MAXWORDS = 8000;
const int MAXWORDLENGTH = 6;
const int MINWORDLENGTH = 4;
int nWords;
void fillWords(char words[][MAXWORDLENGTH + 1], int maxwords, int& num);
int playOneRound (int wordnum);
void correct (int i);
char wordList [MAXWORDS][MAXWORDLENGTH + 1];
// fills the wordList array
void fillWords(char words[][MAXWORDLENGTH+1], int MAXWORDS, int& num)
ifstream wordfile("C:/words.txt");
if ( ! wordfile)
cout << "Cannot open words.txt!" << endl;
char line[10000];
num = 0;
while (wordfile.getline(line, 10000))
if (num == MAXWORDS)
cout << "Using only the first " << num
<< " words from words.txt" << endl;
int k;
for (k = 0; islower(line[k]); k++)
if (line[k] == '\0' && k >= MINWORDLENGTH && k <= MAXWORDLENGTH)
strcpy(words[num], line);
int myRand(int myLimit)
return std::rand() % myLimit;
// choose a secret word
// check to see if secret word is in wordList
// if in, type in a guess
// count the number of correct characters in guess
int playOneRound (int wordnum)
char guess[MAXWORDLENGTH+1];
cout << "Probe: ";
cin >> guess;
for (int b=0; b < strlen(guess); b++)
if (isupper(guess[b]))
cout << "Your probe must be a word of 4 to 6 lower case letters" << endl;
for (int i=0; i < MAXWORDS; i++)
if (strcmp (wordList[wordnum], guess) == 0) // if probe is correct
else // if probe not correct
for (int h=0; h < MAXWORDS; h++)
if ( strcmp (wordList[h], guess) == 0 ) // if guess is in wordlist
int numCorrect = 0; // declare numCorrect
bool boolArray [MAXWORDLENGTH] = {false}; // set all elements in boolArray to false
for (int z=0; z < MAXWORDLENGTH; z++) // goes through each char in guess
for (int j=0; j < MAXWORDLENGTH; j++) // goes through each char in secret word
// if found match, change that element to true
if ((guess[z] == wordList[wordnum][j]) && (boolArray[j] == false)&& (guess[z] != '\0'))
boolArray [j] = true;
break; // break out, so we don't count matches twice
for (int a=0; a < MAXWORDLENGTH; a++)
if ( boolArray [a])
return numCorrect;
cout << "I don't know that word" << endl; // otherwise, output this
void correct (int i)
cout << "You got it in " << i+1 << " probes" << endl;
// cout << "Average: " << (i+1)/rounds << ", minimum:" << //minimum
// ", maximum:"; << // maximum << endl;
int main ()
fillWords (wordList, MAXWORDS, nWords);
int rounds;
cout << "How many rounds do you want to play? ";
cin >> rounds;
if (rounds < 0)
cout << "Number of rounds must be positive" << endl;
exit (1);
for (int a=1; a < rounds+1; a++)
cout << "Round " << a << endl;
// cout << "The secret word is" << wordList[wordnum] << "letters long" << endl;
playOneRound (myRand(10));
cout << playOneRound(myRand(10)) << endl;
return 0;
What it's supposed to do is take in a probe. If correct, it says how many probes it took to get the correct answer.
If wrong, it says how many letters were right from the secret word..
I tried compiling and stepping throguh, but it gives me wrong results. For example, I type in a probe, and it prompts me to type in a nother one without any output in between.
How many rounds do you want to play? 1
Round 1
Probe: aback
Probe: abet
Can you see what's wrong?