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Can anyone help me get started on converting a float to a fraction?

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Can anyone help me get started on converting a float to a fraction?

In theory all you've got to do is use the decimal as the numerator, and then count up the number of digits in that numerator before putting a 1, followed by the same number of zeros on the bottom. So 0.25 becomes 25/100, for example. If you wanted to reduce it further than that, you would have to go round a loop looking for the largest common factor; starting, in this case with 25. Also in this case, you would only have to go round it once.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Fraction
 int numerator,
int FindCommonFactor(int m, int n)
 int x;
 while (m % n)
  x = m % n;
  m = n;
  n = x;
 return n;
void Process(char str[], Fraction fraction[], int &result)
 int strLen = strlen(str);
    const int displace = strLen - 4;
 const int usefulLen = displace - 1;
 int constDenominator,
  constNumerator = 0,
  cycleNumerator = 0,
  cycleDenominatorAdd = 0,
  k = 1;
    for (i=1; i<usefulLen; i++)
  constNumerator += int(str[displace - i] - 48) * k;
  k *= 10;
 cycleDenominatorMain = constDenominator = k;
// cout << cycleDenominatorMain << endl << constNumerator << endl << usefulLen << endl;
 k = 1;
 int arrayDisplace = 0;
 for (i=0; i<usefulLen; i++)
        cycleNumerator += ( int(str[displace - i] - 48) * k );
  cycleDenominatorAdd += ( 9 * k );
 //     cout << cycleNumerator << endl << cycleDenominatorAdd << endl << cycleDenominatorMain << endl;
        cycleDenominator = cycleDenominatorAdd * cycleDenominatorMain;
//      cout << cycleNumerator << endl << cycleDenominator << endl;
        fraction[arrayDisplace].numerator = cycleDenominatorAdd * constNumerator + cycleNumerator;
  fraction[arrayDisplace].denominator = cycleDenominator;
 //       cout << fraction[arrayDisplace].numerator << endl << fraction[arrayDisplace].denominator << endl;
  int maxFactor = FindCommonFactor(fraction[arrayDisplace].denominator, fraction[arrayDisplace].numerator);
  fraction[arrayDisplace].denominator /= maxFactor;
  fraction[arrayDisplace].numerator /= maxFactor;
        k *= 10;
  constNumerator /= 10;
  constDenominator /= 10;
  cycleDenominatorMain = constDenominator;
 int sum = fraction[0].denominator;
     result = 0;
 for (i=0; i<arrayDisplace; i++)
  if (sum > fraction[i].denominator)
   sum = fraction[i].denominator;
   result = i;
// cout << i << endl << fraction[i].numerator << "/" << fraction[i].denominator << endl;
int main()
 char str[14];
 Fraction fraction[9];
 while (cin >> str)
  if (strlen(str) == 1 && str[0] == '0')
  int result;
  Process(str, fraction, result);
  cout << fraction[result].numerator << "/" << fraction[result].denominator << endl;
 return 0;

i wrote this code when i was a freshman,
it coded for one problem in online judge of fuzhou university
i hope it will help to you

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